RELEASE NOTES DIABLO NEWS TRANSIT AND READER SYSTEM Known Issues: - OLD: dreaderd: problem with corrupt header files caused by what seems to be a lock race condition with 'dexpireover -R'. This problem has existed for years. Experimental (features/utilities that are new and/or not properly tested and hence should be used with care on production systems): - Compressed spools - Compressed feeds - IPv6 support - dnewsfeeds %include option - dexpirecache - dcancel Summary of changes likely to impact an upgrade from 5.x - new dreader header index format. Cannot go back to older versions as they will not be able to read the new version. Summary of changes likely to impact an upgrade from 4.x - history version 2 (offsets converted to indexes) - new history expire (dhisexpire) - fixed bug in dexpire.ctl inheritance handling Summary of changes likely to impact an upgrade from 3.x - New spool storage format. Each article is stored with a binary header. This new format is not usable with older versions of diablo, although 4.x can read prior storage formats. Diablo 5-current 2009-05-25 * dreaderd: Don't know why no one ever noticed that tcp socket options per user weren't getting set right. 2009-04-20 * dcancel: Add the ability to cancel articles by article number in the reader header index. (from Michael Dorrington) 2009-04-18 * Oops, never committed the stunnel patch for useproxied. 2009-02-01 * parsedate wouldn't deal well with certain days of the week that weren't capitalized 2009-01-28 * Cleanup of various code problems, including new expire cleanup, spaces-in-Newsgroups cleanup, etc. 2009-01-15 * Implement alternate article numbering views for clients (this version still needs some cleanup). Clients may indicate their capabilities via the XNUMBERING extension. RFC977 imposes no real limits on article numbering. This may cause some issues with non-64-bit-clean clients. RFC3977 imposes a 2^31-1 limit AND places restrictions on the resetting of the low-water mark, which is excessively retarded because it effectively means that once a group hits the limit, it's just dead, but it's the behaviour that is defined in the RFC. WINDOW guarantees compatibility with non-64-bit-clean clients by restricting the article numbers to a window between 1 and 2^31-1; further, the number of articles in a group is limited to guarantee that most clients should detect it as a "group reset" along the various lines of ill-defined logic often used by clients. It is not a frequent event, but when it happens, this has the best possibility of being successful without being too disruptive. Another patch shortly will clean this code up, and will allow for selection of which view to present by default to clients who do not explicitly request a particular view. 2008-12-24 * Absolutely huge changes that have been underway for more than half a year. There are a set of interrelated but different problems going on in the system. The first is that the legacy overview code was not 64-bit safe; this effectively limited overviews for a group to around 60 million articles and then wackiness happened. The code has been walked through and updated so that on 64-bit platforms, larger overviews are possible (we've exercised it to 500 mil). 32-bit platforms currently lose due to the inability of the operating system to map large files, but support for this is also possible and a cleanly coded solution may be committed in the future. Further, article numbering is a disaster waiting to happen. The legacy code is organized to handle 31-bit message numbers. Certain alt.binaries high volume groups are poised to pass message number 2^31-1. Now, on one hand, the problem could be solved by simply 64-bit-ifying the code to handle 63-bit article numbers. On the other hand, some nimrods decided to specify 2^31-1 as a maximum article number in RFC3977, which, fortunately, we don't really claim compliance with. This code revision simply extends the article numbering to 2^63. In doing so, it will update your overview files from VERSION 3 to VERSION 4. This is a harmless change except for groups where article numbering exceeds 2^31-1. Some effort was put into keeping the files otherwise-compatible with older code. Note that if you are using Diablo as an article numbering master, you will need to update Diablo AND dreaderd. People running this codebase will be able to have larger overviews and won't run into a problem at artno 2^31-1. 2008-12-22 * Various compiler warning cleanups 2008-12-19 * Runaway spool thread status flag repurposing, based on a strategy POC'd by tim@euroaccess (thanks for the headaches, grin) 2008-12-18 * Various compiler warning cleanups 2008-12-18 * It's 2008. Everyone has zlib. If I don't hear objections, I will probably be slowly removing conditional support for it. 2008-12-18 * Add error checking for group resizing; many platforms limit calloc memory availability and application of an "unlimit" or equivalent in the daily.reader script might be required. This just adds a reasonable error message 2008-12-18 * Add compressed header transmission to clients (XZVER support) Newshosting and a few other places have been running this for almost a year without any complaints, but it is still in testing. 2008-12-16 * drgpctl masscancel: support cancellation of large numbers of articles from very large groups (one-pass through the overview file) 2008-12-15 * Dump threads status from sigUsr1 (can't find who submitted this patch, apologies, whoever) 2008-12-15 * Report virtual server name in log lines 2008-12-15 * Bump max TCP buffer size to 2048K 2008-12-06 * fwrite patch to allow for proper bytes accounting in Diablo 2008-08-01 * Patch from Avi, reworked, to provide coredumps on Linux 2008-04-02 * I didn't realize this hadn't actually made it into dreaderd. A patch to use new CMSG macros for file descriptor passing, needed to make most 64-bit architectures happy. 2008-03-30 * I've thrown support for UseProxied into dreaderd, but it is not complete or correct at this time. Using it will probably result in a file descriptor leak. Anyone interested in adding support for SSL via stunnel, and who's interested in hacking on the code a bit, can contact me for further information on how this works. 2008-02-28 * Fix Solaris compatibility issue; looks like they now use u_32_t instead of u_int32_t 2007-11-30 * Tagged 5.1-REL Diablo 5.1-REL 2007-11-16 * dreaderd: Fix a posting corruption bug that apparently has always been there (sigh). 2007-11-05 * dreaderd: Add support for Maximum Age Policy * diablo: Add support for Maximum Age Policy This feature controls the maximum article age that can be retrieved from a spool. 2007-09-11 * dreaderd: Add some debugging information to dns.c to log label failures more clearly 2007-07-11 * dreaderd: Cleanup old references to POST_HIDENNTPPOSTHOST Cleanup Linux CFLAGS Thanks to: Michael Dorrington 2007-01-03 * dreaderd: Minor programming style fix; "improper" use of zfree. 2006-09-21 * diablo: Separate out IFILTER hash based Message-ID refusals; these were getting lumped in with history refusals. 2006-08-21 * drequeue: Fix five-year-old command line parsing bug 2006-06-29 * diablo: Log something in the incoming log when an IFILTER hash rule is tripped. 2006-05-18 * diablo: Clean up a spool bug From: Koos de Haan After some investigation i found that the cause lays in the fact we are using an unwanted metaspool without any spools in it. This to dump articles in groups we don't want to carry (guess this it rarely used since i am the first to hit this bug) 2005-12-28 * dreaderd: Introduce BIG_MBUF define for dreaderd. Large sites with memory to burn may benefit from defining BIG_MBUF in vendor.h. This will allow more buffering of data and reduced syscall load. 2005-12-26 * dreaderd: Add an ART_AGE option for dreaderd as well. STATS_ART_AGE affects the Diablo spooler, and reports the approx. time since the article was received by the spooler, in seconds. This is only accurate to within ten minutes due to the data available from the history. STATS_ART_AGE_DR affects the dreaderd system, and reports the seconds between the current time and the time in the Date: header of retrieved articles coming from spool servers. 2005-11-01 * IMPORTANT: The hashfeed system has changed. The first few iterations may be painful on non-FreeBSD platforms as I have few alternative platforms to test on. Hashfeed has been greatly enhanced to use MD5 based hashing, which allows a much greater mod value, but also allows multiple tiers of hash support. More details in hashfeed.c for the interested. See samples/ for changes. If you use hashfeed for deterministic article routing and location, YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE YOUR CONFIG FILES. The old hash values are still supported, with a different syntax. 2005-10-23 * dspoolout: For reasons unknown, the nobatch option never made it from the old dnntpspool.ctl format to the new unified dnewsfeeds file format. 2005-10-16 * diablo: Add feedertxbuf/feederrxbuf to dnewsfeeds. Set the TCP buffer sizes for this connection, overriding what was set globally on the command line. This would seem to be a useful optimization especially on spool servers, where the inbound feed ought to have a large rx buffer/small tx buffer, but the spool connections should be just the opposite. 2005-10-16 * Correct more examples of not checking return values from system calls. In this case, diablo silently ignores failure of setsockopt calls to set buffer sizes, something which can easily fail. 2005-10-10 * Pass remote IP data via NetRemote. JG20050804 2005-02-20 2005-07-30 Patch to line 1092 of diablo.c - turn off spurious reports of closing the external filter - if in a child process - the child process does not interact with the filter in that way. Patch from mohan 2005-02-20 through 2005-06-04 * lots of patches were done and not documented, blame Mike. 2005-02-20 * diablo: Ben O'Hara found a place we didn't use the %include code, reasons unknown. 2005-02-17 * diablo: #ifndef-wrap MAXFORKS/MAXFEEDS. We've had this little change for a long time and I'm not sure how it never got committed. This allows you to override these at the top of vendor.h, along with FD_SETSIZE, if you want to make this sort of compile-time change. (It worked to do this without this patch, but it generated compiler warnings...) 2005-01-16 * dgrpctl: Add an option to specify an absolute new value for NB, NE or NX. Improvements to usage description and man page. Submitted by: Frank Durda IV 2005-01-12 * diablo: Fix a possible buffer overflow in the handling of dspoool.ctl time handling when the time type is not specified. Reported by: Dave Reader 2005-01-12 * dreaderd: Add a diablo.config option 'readeridenttimeout' to specify the default timeout to be used for ident requests if enabled. Can also use an authdef override. Also fix a buffer handling problem in the returned user. Reported by: Kristofer Pettijohn 2004-12-28 * dreaderd: Don't let rate limits fall below 100cps. If you want someone to read news on a teletype, buy them a teletype. :-) 2004-12-27 * dreaderd: Allow per-readerdef setting of rxbufsize/txbufsize. Recent changes seem to have broken the command line options, and cmdline would not seem to be the best way to do that anyways, so at some point we should probably retire -R/-T. 2004-12-26 * dreaderd: Add "ratelimitrange", a way to randomly vary the rate limit of a session. Set a range, like "80-120", and the otherwise applicable rate limit will be varied from 80% to 120% of that number. Minimum is 1%, maximum is 200%. 2004-12-25 * dreaderd: Silent capping of TCP buffer sizes is bad policy. Make it log a warning. Also apply capping policy to spool server connections. 2004-12-24 * dreaderd: Allow generating Xref: lines for articles with whitespace in Newsgroups: header. Submitted by: Cor Bosman 2004-12-22 * dreaderd: Fix a problem with dreaderd crashing when it encounters a very large (usually corrupt) header. Also decrease the maximum header size (and control article size) that dreaderd accept to 512K by default. 2004-12-22 * dreaderd: Allow the initial numarts for a group index file to be any size the admin wants. We used to limit it to 65536 arts 2004-12-22 * diablo: When choosing the first spool object, pick one randomly so that we don't overallocate the first one 2004-12-14 * Add feedgraph to the contrib/ directrory. This program creates a set of web pages of RRD graphs for feeds. Submitted by: Kristofer Pettijohn 2004-12-12 * dexpireover: Fix a bug introduced on 2004-10-15 that was causing dexpireover to use an incorrect file size when rewriting data. Submitted by: Cor Bosman 2004-12-11 * dreaderd: Add a dexpire.ctl option (l) to set the oldest articles that dreaderd will fetch from a spool server. Submitted by: Miquel van Smoorenburg 2004-10-31 * dreaderd: Improvements to MADVISE code Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-10-19 * dreaderd: Add a lib/vendor.h option 'USE_OVER_MADVISE' to enable the MADVISE of XOVER output as it has caused problems for some people. 2004-10-15 * Fixes and ehancements to feeder-stats including reader stats and text output option. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster and Mike Horwath 2004-10-15 * dreaderd: Add 2 new options to dserver.hosts: retention= groupdef= Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-10-15 * dreaderd: Revisit using MADVISE for XOVER output and do some sanity checking of dataentries. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-10-15 * dexpireover: Fix a few bugs when using -R option Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-09-26 * dreaderd: Add support for banning a user through the existing custom error propagation facility. Now you can return an auth message like "110 600 <#mins> 502 Buzz off." The custom message will only be displayed to the current session. Aside from the minutes, the normal readerban setup rules apply, and you must have a readerban set for per-host bans. It might be nice to separate this functionality at some point, by creating an AuthBan structure. 2004-09-25 * dreaderd: Add new dserver.hosts flags to allow sleepy, sluggish, and/or nonresponsive spool servers to be logged or have connections reset. 2004-09-19 * dexpire: Add an extension to the '-s' (sync filesystem) option to specify how many files to delete before syncing. 2004-08-20 * dreaderd/dexpireover: Fix a long running bug that caused dexpire.ctl entry inheritance to not work. WARNING: This may affect exiting dexpire.ctl setups - check that your logic is what is expected. Pointed out by: Miquel van Smoorenburg 2004-08-20 * all: Allow setting of zero for rxbuf and txbuf to use dynamically sized buffers for any OS that allows it. Set defaults for dreaderd to zero. Submitted by: Miquel van Smoorenburg 2004-08-07 * diablo: Structures should be zeroed upon allocation. Failure to do so results in all sorts of unexpected behaviours when someone adds a nifty new feature but isn't thorough about it, thus causing all feeds generated from a legacy dnntpspool.ctl based system to be started with a nice priority of 20. 2004-07-30 * dreaderd: Undo the XOVER performance patch - it causes dreaderd to go into a spin loop under certain circumstances. 2004-07-28 * diablo: Clean up some of the various time_t-to-int printf issues and other similar cleanups. 2004-07-27 * dreaderd: Add new option 'settos' to set the IP_TOS setsockopt option, if available, to set TOS/QoS data in the IP packet header. 2004-07-20 * dreaderd: Improve performance of XOVER Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-07-20 * dreaderd: Use internal md5 function so that hashed NNTP-Posting-Host headers are enabled with the cryptpw option in dreader.access. 2004-07-20 * diablo: Add support for hsize up to 512m entries. Many operating systems won't be able to handle more than 256m due to mmap() limitations. 2004-07-11 * dexpireover: Don't delete corrupt data entries by default. Use '-RR' to remove corrupt entries. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2004-07-11 * dexpireover: Do some sanity checking on the value of dataentries in case it has become corrupt. This fixes some of the corrupt overview problems. 2004-07-10 * diablo: Allow activedrop to be on without active on. Submitted by: Alex Kiernan 2004-07-10 * doverctl: Fix relative path calculation to prevent valid files being deleted with the 'clean' option. 2004-04-28 * diablo: Add option in diablo.config to reject articles with a CR with no corresponding LF. 2004-04-28 * dnewslink: Allow sending to both IPv4 and IPv6 destinations if both are in the DNS. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster 2004-04-20 * dcancel: Add the ability to cancel articles by article number in the reader header index. 2004-04-20 * dexpireover: Don't resize dataentries unless we are rebuilding the data. 2004-04-05 * Disable AIO by default for now. It has caused too many reported problems. It is used when dreaderd tries to access articles from a locally mounted spool. 2004-04-04 * diablo: Unmap some a memory mapped area of history before closing the history file. This fixes a problems where long running diablo process were holding old history files open after they were deleted. 2004-03-03 * diablo: Added a new option 'feedermaxheadersize' to diablo.config with a default of 64k to limit the size of article headers that we accept. Also reject articles with no blank line after the header. Based on a patch from: Frank Durda IV 2004-02-22 * dreaderd: Add a new dexpire.ctl option 'e' to specify the number of headers stored in each header data file. See dexpire.ctl for details. 2004-02-14 * Tagged 5.0-REL Diablo 5.0-REL 2004-01-30 * dreaderd: Handle custom reject messages from external auth by returning a readerdef in the format "nnn message" (i.e. the entire returned string would be "110 502 Buzz off"). 2004-01-22 * dreaderd: Fix improper number of parameters bug Special thanks to: Horwath! 2004-01-18 * dreaderd: Add dreaderd cache scoring to weight caching in favour of popular groups. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2003-12-07 * Some minor changes to sample cron scripts, including switching to use dhisexpire by default. 2003-12-03 * dreaderd: Fix AIO access for local spool under Linux Submitted by: "Homme R. Bitter" 2003-11-25 * dreaderd: Log article retrieval failures better (i.e. 423's). 2003-11-25 * dreaderd: New option, addrealm, to tack on a realm to the user- supplied authinfo. Useful with virtual servers and complex environments. 2003-10-28 * dreaderd: Fix XPAT problems relating to high CPU use by dreaderd. Submitted by: Branko Lankester 2003-10-08 * dfeedtest: Add an option '-X' to show which spool an article would be installed into. Also add '-M' to specify the Message-ID. 2003-09-07 * diablo: Read the manner in which the article was stored from the article header. The previous code made it impossible for a spool to be compressed and then set to uncompressed, despite the fact that we ultimately read the data that told us the article had been stored uncompressed... 2003-08-27 * diablo: check the return value on the kill system call. Failures may be harmless, but then again they could signal a problem. 2003-08-01 * dreaderd: bump the default THREAD_QSIZE up to 16. Please report any problems you encounter as a result of this change. 2003-07-31 * dreaderd: post.c: silent dropping of obviously bogus and forged headers is a *really* bad idea. I don't know why I ever did it. Furthermore, I missed X-Complaints-To, which resulted in a bunch of bad stuff getting out on the 'net with multiple XCT's by a spammer intent on confusing the issue. Fixed by: JG 2003-06-01 * dhisexpire: Fix bug in pointer use that could cause all entries to be removed. 2003-05-30 * dnewslink: Fix unmapping of articles bug introduced in the recent performance enhancing patch. 2003-05-28 * dsyncgroups: Add options to specify a username/password of the remote system. Submitted by: "Robert J. Adams (jason)" 2003-05-25 * dexpirecache: Fix a missing closedir() and significantly reduce memory usage by doing a chdir() to the basepath, thus not storing the basepath in each node. Submitted by: Michael Haardt 2003-03-29 * dspoolout: Don't rename a queue file if its size is zero 2003-03-15 * dreaderd: Add some extra logging to 'info server' log line Submitted by: Robert Kiessling 2003-03-14 * dreaderd: Don't accept bad Message-ID's in TAKETHIS only mode 2003-03-02 * diablo: Switch to history version 2 enabled by default. The new version allows history files > 4GB (up to approx 60GB). The conversion to the new history file is done during the next history rebuild. 2003-03-02 * dreaderd: Allow use of more characters in newsgroup descriptions. Submitted by: Xander Jansen 2003-03-02 * dnewslink: Let the kernel handle copying of large files to the network from disk by using a writev(), rather than copying the data into buffers first. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster 2003-03-02 * dnewslink: Add new option 'settos' to set the IP_TOS option (if supported by the OS). This adds quality of service option for outgoing feeds on networks that support it. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster 2003-03-02 * diablo: Add a new dnewsfeeds options 'offerfilter' and 'noofferfilter' to filter out Message-ID's during the IHAVE/CHECK processing. Submitted by: tt @ 2003-03-02 * diablo: Add feeddelany for remote feed admin Submitted by: tt @ 2003-03-02 * diablo: Fix minor bug for remote feed admin Submitted by: tt @ 2003-03-02 * feeder-stats: Various updates for Diablo 5.x. See the changelog in for details. Submitted by: Xander Jansen 2003-02-15 * all: Limit the maximum Message-ID size to 250 (was 512) to be in line with INN and Usefor NNTP article draft. 2003-02-15 * dreadover: Change the format of the output and provide more info about the article (Message-ID hash, size, and time received). 2003-02-15 * dreaderd: Ignore newsgroups with names that are too long and don't accept local posts to such newsgroups. 2003-02-09 * dreaderd: Fix bug in user based banlists where the username was being banned instead of the IP address. 2003-02-04 * dicmd: report status on ps/proctitle 2003-02-02 * dcancel: Add a new utility to allow rewriting of spool files along with history entry updates to remove articles from a spool. Compressed spools are not yet supported. 2003-01-25 * diablo: Use the correct variable for the article size when using the feed and spam filters. Submitted: by Branko Lankester 2003-01-23 * diablo/dnewslink: Add 2 new options feederpreloadart and spoolpreloadart n diablo.config to disable the preloading of articles by dnewslink and spool servers respectively (the use of MADV_WILLNEED to the madvise() system call). 2003-01-22 * diablo/dreaderd: Set the default maximum article size accepted by feeder and reader to be 10MB. This can be disabled by setting {feeder|reader}maxartsize to 0 in diablo.config. 2003-01-22 * dreaderd: Fix a bug which could cause all headers for a group to be deleted if the header index file could not be opened. 2003-01-22 * diablo: Allow multiple label options per metaspool object in dspool.ctl 2003-01-21 * dreaderd: Option to include an X-Comments header on a per- vserver basis. 2003-01-21 * diloadfromspool: Add two new options (-tb and -te) to specify the start and end times to limit spool scanning. 2003-01-18 * diablo: Fix a race condition during the expire process that was causing articles to be expired if they arrived after a spool scan, before the end of the history update and within a specific time frame 2003-01-17 * diablo: Fix a file descriptor leak in dnewsfeeds parsing 2003-01-16 * dexpire: Improve the performance of the history update 2003-01-15 * didump: Add an option to only dump msgid hashes 2003-01-11 * dhisctl: Fix bug in expire/unexpire option that could corrupt history 2003-01-08 * dnewsfeeds: Now has an experimental option for doing %include- files. 2002-12-27 * diloadfromspool/drequeue: Add support for dealing with compressed spools. 2002-12-27 * dexpirecache: Add tree balancing code. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-12-23 * dexpirecache: Fix logic in directory open Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-12-16 * dreaderd: Fix bug that was causing caching to be enabled even if disabled in diablo.config. 2002-11-04 * dreaderd: Add a new and more flexible form of LDAP authentication that must be enabled with NEW_LDAP in lib/vendor.h. This may become the default in the future. Submitted by: michael @ (based on code originally written by Russell Vincent) 2002-11-03 * dreaderd: Improvements to the reader caching algorithms, including a new dexpirecache program. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-11-02 * all: Limit the use of MADV_WILLNEED as this causes some performance issues with very large files. 2002-10-24 * dreaderd: Using an uninitialized auto struct and not checking return values makes for bad things when doing a getsockname. Fix both problems. 2002-10-19 * dreaderd: Don't bind to port 119 if we specify a different port. Also fixes specifing port 119 as command-line option. 2002-10-14 (merged 4-stable: : 2002-10-14) * dreaderd: Don't duplicate the body when client retrieves control messages. 2002-10-07 * diablo: UCAR.EDU is burdening USENET with Yet More Binaries Volume. Unfortunately, Diablo wasn't picking it up as such. This looked to be quite a problem for split text/binaries sites. 2002-10-06 * dreaderd: Fix a bug causing closed spool connections to be left undetected if an article was being retrieved at the time. 2002-09-26 * diablo: Add a dnewsfeed option 'delayinfeed' to delay an incoming feed until a number of seconds after diablo has started. Submitted by: Jake Roersma 2002-09-25 * dreaderd: Fix bug in the ratelimit per command option that was causing article fetches to be reset to the 'other' value. 2002-09-19 * dnewslink: Fix an obvious logic error with madvise code Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster 2002-09-08 * all: Enable MADVISE in Linux >= 2.4 for improved mmap performance (reported 33% gain in IO requests). 2002-09-06 * dnewslink: Add an option to disable the CHECK command for the realtime process only. See the 'nortcheck' option for the "check" directive in dnewsfeeds. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-09-03 * diablo: Detect "bommanews" binary article type. 2002-08-20 * diablo: Create a new spool file when we go over a size limit to prevent spool files getting larger than the allowed boffset reference (spool file offset) in dhistory. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-08-17 * dreaderd: Allow different client ratelimits for various article retrieval types (XOVER, ARTICLE, HEAD, etc). 2002-08-17 * diablo: Fix bug in external spamfilter handling which meant that the article file could not be opened when a non-default full path is specified in a spool entry. 2002-08-14 * Fix recently introduced bug causing master diablo process to die when a spool disk fills up. Reported by: Jake Roersma 2002-08-12 * all: Add Linux support for large files (-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) This currently only applies to the dhistory file. 2002-08-12 * dnewslink: Fix bug in handling of attempts at remote connections for hosts with IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. 2002-08-12 * dnewslink: Fix binding of outgoing interface in INET4 case. 2002-08-10 * diablo: Add metaspool allocation strategy 'single' that allocates the same spool object to all incoming feeds over the reallocint time period. 2002-08-10 * diablo: Add diablo.config option 'feederarttypes' which allows the article type code to be disabled completely. 2002-08-10 * dlockhistory: Add an option to lock the entire history file into memory. 2002-08-08 * diablo: Fix bug in history lookup offset calculation when using history version 2. 2002-08-07 * dreaderd: Improvements to PGP verification: - fix a bug in the handling of lines beginning with '-' sent to PGP. - add diablo.config option "pgpverifyargs" which allows one to specify the arguments used to run pgpverify. - GNUPG support via command-line option to pgpverify 2002-08-06 * diablo: Add the first stage of a modification to allow a much larger number of entries in the history file. When enabled, the history hash table will consist of an index into the history file, rather than the offset. This should allow history files with 2^32-2 entries or (28 * 4)GB in size (for those operating systems that allow files > 4GB. Note that the new history version is not enabled yet as the code needs to be tested in its current form first. 2002-08-05 * dhisctl: Add option -h to dump the contents of the history file header. 2002-08-04 * diablo/didump: The coded default for remember was 7 days. Set this to 14 days to reflect what the documentation says. 2002-08-04 * diablo: Add a new diablo.config option 'feedermaxacceptage' to specify the maximum age of accepted articles. This allows the age to be specified differently to the remember value and is useful for reducing the size of the history file for feeders/spools that won't be offered older articles. Idea from: uhclemo @ (Frank Durda IV) 2002-08-04 * all: Fix the address specification of IPv6 addressed for binding to ports. The address should now be enclosed within '[]'. e.g: -B[::1]:119 2002-08-04 * dreaderd: Fix a bug in the IP address -> hostname lookup that prevented hostname based authentication. 2002-08-04 * didump: Allow the -r option to be specified as seconds, minutes or hours. 2002-07-31 * dreaderd: Add the ability to authenticate on spool server connections through the use of login=/password= in dserver.hosts 2002-07-29 * dnewslink: Improve performance by using non-blocking sockets and reducing the number of poll() calls in the general case. 2002-07-27 * dhisbench: Improve options to allow concurrent adds and lookups and better stats reporting. 2002-07-27 * diablo: Reorder shutdown events so that dicmd reports exit more nearly at the time we actually exit. 2002-07-23 * dreaderd: Add a perl user authenticator, with a sample perl script authenticating against an Oracle DB. Must be enabled at compile-time. See lib/vendor.h. Submitted by: Frank Kloeker 2002-07-23 * dhisctl: Add an option (-S) to print out the size of the internal history structures. 2002-07-23 * diablo: Minor performance enhancement in checking of article headers. Submitted by: uhclemo @ (Frank Durda IV) 2002-07-15 * diablo: Abort if we cannot create a spool directory. 2002-07-15 * diablo: Keep track of the remember value as seconds so that we don't have to calculate it for every article. Modifed patch from: uhclemo @ (Frank Durda IV) 2002-07-15 * diablo: Modify parsedate to also convert hours and minutes to give a more accurate date for an article and thus allowing a finer calculation of article age vs remember. Note that this still doesn't take into account timezones. Submitted by: uhclemo @ (Frank Durda IV) 2002-07-15 * dexpire: Convert some counters to be able to handle larger numbers. Submitted by: michael @ 2002-07-11 (merged 4-stable: 2002-07-11) * dreaderd: Fix some error messages that only included a trailing '\n' instead of '\r\n'. Reported by: Shawn Ramsey" 2002-07-08 * Fix error in CIDR matching of IPv4 addresses against IPv6 addresses. 2002-07-04 * dnewslink: Add a new option 'delayfeed' to specify the number of seconds to delay articles in a feed. This is accomplished by storing the receive time of articles into the dqueue file and not offering the articles for that time + delayfeed secs. 2002-06-30 * Add dhisctl for performing various actions on the history file, like expiring specific articles. 2002-06-23 * dnewslink: Fix bug where dnewslink would go into a loop on connect failure, using CPU. 2002-06-17 * all: Improve IPv6 compatability (Linux) Modified patch from: FUNET Newsmaster 2002-06-16 * feeder-stats: Upgrade to 4.005 Submitted by: Xander Jansen and Francois Petillon 2002-06-07 * dnewslink: Try all IP addresses for a hostname until one of them works. 2002-06-07 * dreaderd: Add a time connected field to dreader.status 2002-06-05 * all: Add experimental IPv6 support enabled with a compile-time option in lib/vendor.h. 2002-05-17 * diablo: Close a race condition when using dhisexpire and reopening the history file after a change. 2002-05-17 (merged 4-stable: 2002-05-17) * all: Use correct install utility for AIX Submitted by: Daniel Tiefnig 2002-05-16 * diablo: Have Diablo report the (approximate) age of retrieved articles. For those sites running with distributed spools, this can help you judge just how big secondary spools need to be in order to be most cost-effective. Most articles retrieved tend to be recent, and by plugging these age values into a graphing program, it should become readily apparent what the best amount of time would be for storage on a secondary spool. 2002-05-16 (merged 4-stable: 2002-06-17) * dnewslink: Fix a problem with offering articles twice, introduced in the fix for closing spool articles on a regular basis. 2002-04-18 * feeder-stats: Solaris 8 support and other updates. 2002-04-14 * diablo: Add an option path_artlog to diablo.config to enable logging of article size and group to a separate file. 2002-04-11 * dreaderd: In session accounting, clients pipelining commands at the server cause the server to incorrectly account on a per-command basis. The correct fix is in the works, but in the meantime, account for "other" session bytes so that at least things aren't slipping through the cracks. 2002-04-10 * feeder-stats: Update to version 4 Submitted by: Xander Jansen 2002-04-10 * diablo: Allow the nice value of incoming feed processes to be set per dnewsfeeds entry. 2002-04-07 * dhisexpire: Add options to build new history file and move old history file on a different filesystem. 2002-04-07 (merged 4-stable: 2002-04-07) * dnewslink: Fix priority setting for realtime dnewslink 2002-04-01 (merged 4-stable: 2002-07-11) * dreaderd: Fix some other XPAT implementation issues. 2002-03-26 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-26) * dnewslink: Fix flushing of spool file handles and perform the flush more regularly. 2002-03-21 (merged 4-stable: 2002-07-11) * dreaderd: Use INN-style wildmat for full XPAT support. 2002-03-17 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-23) * feeder-stats: Improvemnts to - localize LegendLabels to prevent re-use of wrong entries when less than 7 labels - concatenation of ImgDir and logo.gif more flexible - suppression of errors like 'pathheader contains TAB' etc - show variants of connection refused errors - df -h instead of df -k on FreeBSD 4.x - GetVolume now also for TeraBytes - Top1000 now pointing to the Alternative Freenix - added rejected volume and total outgoing volume to main index - other minor bug fixes and credit/copyright additions Submitted by: Xander Jansen 2002-03-17 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-23) * dnewslink: Detect deleted queue files for realtime feeds 2002-03-17 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-17) * diablo: Allow filtering of incoming articles by msgid hash. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2002-03-12 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-12) * diablo: Fix a bug in the handling of articles without a trailing '\r\n.\r\n' when sending to the external filter. 2002-03-03 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-23) * diablo: Log incoming stats when we have to abort (e.g: can't create article file) an incoming connection. 2002-02-17 (merged 4-stable: 2002-03-03) * diablo: Detect the badly implemted binary type 'yenc'. 2002-01-31 (merged 4-stable: 2002-02-01) * dreaderd: Add a timeout for connections to spool Submitted by: michael @ 2002-01-20 * dhisexpire: Now modified to allow the history file to be rewritten with zero downtime (only a very short delay) for incoming connections (spool and feed). Also add a man page. WARNING: This is not fully tested - feedback appreciated. 2002-01-12 * dhisexpire: New utility to handle history rewrites that minimises the diablo downtime. This is accomplished by only pausing the diablo server when the expire is near the end of the history file. WARNING: This is not fully tested - feedback appreciated. Diablo 4.1-REL 2002-01-28 (merged 4-stable: 2002-01-31) * dreaderd: Fix an information leak in NEWNEWS that allowed a client to bypass the group restrictions for a readerdef. Reported by: michael @ 2002-01-04 * all: Add support for Tru64/OSF1 2001-12-30 * diablo: Improve the internal spamfilter. The filter now has separate MD5 hash tables for the duplicate body and posting host rate detectors and the options are all configurable. Both detection types also keep track of the number of lines in the body to help prevent false positives. WARNING: The -S and 'internalfilter' options have changed to accomodate this improvement. See man/diablo.8 and samples/diablo.config for details. 2001-12-30 * dreaderd: Add an option 'readermaxartsize' to diablo.config to allow the setting of a global maximum article size for articles accepted by dreaderd (POST or feed) to limit buffer usage. 2001-12-27 * dreaderd: Make crc group hash method work on 64-bit platforms 2001-12-23 * dreaderd/netremote: Offer per-category extensible logging of bytes transmitted, categories for HEAD, ARTICLE, BODY, XOVER, etc. 2001-12-13 * all: Standardise all the logging routines, allowing logs to be disabled or sent to syslog, a pipe or a file. See the path_*log options in diablo.config for details. Submitted by: GOMBAS Gabor 2001-12-11 * Fix compiling with USE_ZLIB Diablo 4.0-REL 2001-11-27 * dreaderd/netremote: Implemented additional accounting support for more detailed remote accounting requirements. 2001-11-23 * dreaderd: Implement latest draft NNTP commands, including HDR, OVER and LIST EXTENSIONS. 2001-11-23 * diablo: Catch the TERM signal and do a clean exit. 2001-11-23 * didump: Add options to set rememberdays (-r) and the maximum age of articles dumped (-T). 2001-11-21 * Add dhisbench, a simple history performance tester. 2001-11-20 * dreaderd: Fix problem with memory alignment when copying from one type of variable to another for banlists 2001-11-18 * diablo: Allow activedrop to work when feederxrefsync is set 2001-11-18 * didump/diload: Add optional progress meters and expand usage messages for interactive use. 2001-11-17 * diablo: Fix a history corruption bug by simplifying the way we add entries to the history file. This also has the side-effect of speeding up history adds by 10 times on my test machine. 2001-11-17 * dilookup: Improve usage and make it more flexible. 2001-11-17 * history.c: Add an option to open the history file read-only. Utilities that do not need write access to the history now open it read-only, which means that mere mortals may run programs such as dilookup and didump. 2001-11-14 * dreaderd: Add a dreader.access "access" option to specify a Berkeley DB file to verify the client IP. 2001-11-09 * dreaderd: Allow the reader welcome banner (with format options) to be configured per vserver. 2001-11-07 * diablo: Change to a news article storage format. Each article is now stored with a binary header. This change also includes wireformat storage (enabled with diablo.config option) and is backward compatable with old spools. NOTE: You cannot use old versions of diablo with spools created in the new format. 2001-11-03 * diablo: Add diablo.config option 'feedermaxartsize' to limit the size of articles accepted on incoming feeds. This can be used to prevent extremely large articles creating huge memory buffers. 2001-10-31 * diablo/dreaderd: Expanded the ranged 'feedhash' option to reader spool fetches and feeder metaspools. 2001-10-31 * diablo: Add an option 'feederbuffersize' to set the starting incoming article buffer size. 2001-10-30 * diablo: Modified 'feedhash' option to allow for weighting of outbound feeds by specifying ranges. 2001-10-25 * all: Add the ability to view/change most diablo.config values at runtime via "dicmd/drcmd config". 2001-10-25 * dicmd/drcmd: If multiple command-line parameters are used, then make them all part of the same command, rather than split them into multiple commands. Multiple commands can be fed in by stdin. 2001-10-25 * dreaderd: Add a dserver.hosts option to split article fetches across spools based on the hash as used in the 'hashfeed' option in dnewsfeeds. 2001-10-24 * diablo: Add 'feedhash' option to dnewsfeeds so that a feed can be split across multiple labels with no duplicates, based on a simple hash of the Message-ID. 2001-10-22 * dreaderd: An a compile-time option to enable auto-ban lists for abusive clients trying to connect beyond their configured access limits. 2001-10-16 * dreaderd: Increase the max number of cached header files to equal the number of threads per process. 2001-10-16 * diablo/dnewslink: Add 'host' option and 'flush' option to 'realtime' in dnewsfeeds to simplify configuration files. 2001-10-13 * diablo/dnewslink: Add a new dnewsfeeds option 'notify' to cause dnewslink to "register" with the master diablo process feed notification system. The feed notification system allows the master process to notify a dnewslink when there is an article that needs to be fed. When used with the realtime and rtflush options, this causes a significant reduction in article relay latency at the expense of higher file descriptor usage. 2001-10-13 * all: Add a new '~/run' directory where unix domain sockets are created. 2001-10-11 * dreaderd:post.c: If a user realm authenticated as the address they are trying to post as, allow it, regardless of ckaddress. This allows correct behaviour in all cases for realm auth users attempting to do this who might otherwise be blocked by ckaddress. 2001-09-30 * diablo: Add new dicmd "dumpfeed [LABEL]" to dump the details of the in-memory version of dnewsfeeds. 2001-09-27 * dreaderd: Add a 'db' auth method for Berkeley DB databases. The database can also (optionally) return a readerdef. 2001-09-25 * dreaderd: Allow NNTP-Posting-Date: header to be GMT or localtime (compile-time option). Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2001-09-24 * dprimehostcache: Now requires an option to be specified otherwise prints a usage message. 2001-09-17 * dreaderd: Add an option 'localspool' to specify the location of a local diablo spool where articles will be retrieved after lookup via the WHEREIS NNTP extension. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2001-09-17 * diablo: Add a command 'whereis' to allow a connecting server to find the location of an article on the spool (useful for NFS mounted spools). This needs to be enabled per incoming feed. Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2001-09-17 * diablo: Fix closing of compressed spool files. 2001-09-17 * dexpire: Add a per spool object option (minfreefiles) to specify the minimum free files (inodes) on a file system. dexpire will delete old article files until this minimum is reached. 2001-09-14 * doverctl: Add an option to copy files across filesystems 2001-09-14 * dexpireover: Handle header db directories structures with symlinks correctly. 2001-09-11 * diablo: Add "spamalias" option to dnewsfeeds for preventing propogation of articles based on the last 2 entries of the Path: header. Submitted by: uhclem @ (Frank Durda IV) 2001-09-11 * diablo: Add (optional) support for using the X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: header for the spamfilter. Submitted by: uhclem @ (Frank Durda IV) 2001-09-05 * dreaderd: Add an option to dserver.hosts to specify which server will handle articles for specific groups/hierarchies when articles are fetched by article number (not by Message-ID). Also fix the round-robin server requests. 2001-08-30 * dreaderd/netremote: The code to correctly accept a readerdef from the remote server was apparently never fully commited. Fixed. 2001-08-30 * dreaderd: Add an option 'readergrouphash' to diablo.config to allow different header file and directory structures. This adds the functionality to have multiple levels of directories and to use different hash methods for the header DB. 2001-08-29 * diablo: Allow the different internal spamfilter types to be set differently in diablo.config. 2001-08-02 * dexpireover: Make the actual expire process conditional on an option (-y) and running with no options prints a usage message. 2001-07-06 * dreaderd: Add a compile-time option to enable client CPU use timing. Submitted by: michael @ 2001-06-08 * dreaderd: Add support for passing session statistics back to an authentication method via the DNS resolver task. Caveat: this isn't supported for most auth methods, and only makes sense in the context of something like an external SQL or other database of some type which is used to control user access - for example, allowed-bytes-per-day. Caveat^2: Even the NetRemote support is sketchy as of right now. Some additional work is required to pretty this up. dreaderd needs to record the authenticator for a given user so that it can be called back with the correct authenticator and options. * NetRemote: Add support for processing the above. Contributed by: 2001-06-06 * dnewslink: Report sliding average pending articles per site Submitted by: michael @ 2001-05-25 * dfeedtest: Add a new utility to test which dnewsfeeds labels match an article 2001-05-16 * dreaderd: Add PAM authentication method Submitted by: Francois Petillon 2001-05-08 * diablo: Add support for compressed newsfeeds based on the old patch by Christopher M Sedore. See dnewsfeeds for a description of the 'compress' option. 2001-05-04 * dreaderd/netremote: Incompatible protocol change. netremote will now support specific readerdef responses, and allow for some future stuff we have not written just yet. If anyone else is using netremote, let me know so I may continue hacking on it without totally breaking you Diablo 3-STABLE 2001-11-26 merge: 2001-11-26 * dexpire: Fix bug is directory handling when directory doesn't exist. Submitted by: michael @ 2001-11-21 merge: 2001-11-21 * diloadfromspool: Fixed error reporting. Submitted by: Bolo 2001-10-26 merge: 2001-10-26 * dreaderd: Add back a 'quiet' option to disable connect and disconnect logging for some users (e.g: stats/monitoring) 2001-10-16 merge: 2001-10-16 * install: Add 'xmake bininstall' to not install the working copies of the config files. Useful for people who install the config files into a different location. Submitted by: Francois Petillon Diablo 3.3-REL 2001-09-13 * dreaderd: Don't accept invalid Message-ID's for IHAVE Submitted by: Bolo 2001-09-07 merge: 2001-09-11 * dreaderd: Use 423 in response to article not found when requested by article number. 2001-08-29 * dreaderd: Improved handling of header rewrites. This fixes some possible buffer overflows and should improve performance. 2001-08-21 merge: 2001-08-29 * dreaderd: Add an option (readercachedirs) to diablo.config to specify the directory structure for the cache spool. 2001-08-03 merge: 2001-09-17 * all: Improved support for AIX, based on feedback from Adrian P. van Bloois. 2001-07-30 * dreaderd: Don't compress whitespace in headers unless we are compressing tabs for XOVER 2001-07-10 * dnewslink: Add 'articlestat' to dnewsfeeds that causes dnewslink to stat() every article file before offering the article. 2001-07-10 * dspoolout: Add 'queueskip' option to dnewsfeeds to make dspoolout/dnewslink not process the N most recent queue files 2001-07-06 * diablo: Don't break groupdef linked list when adding the GLOBAL label in dnewsfeeds. 2001-07-07 * dreaderd: Add compile-time option (lib/vendor.h) to force adding an NNTP-Posting-Date header. 2001-06-06 * dreaderd: Don't add extra \r at the end of Xref: and Path: lines when retrieving an article from the spool 2001-05-29 * dreaderd: Log the vserver for connect and reject messages 2001-05-25 * diablo: Fix wildcard pattern matching for a specific case 2001-05-22 * dreaderd: strip trailing whitespace from newsgroup names before writing overview data Diablo 3.2-REL 2001-05-21 * dreaderd: Close incoming feed when we can't write header 2001-05-11 * diablo: Ensure that control groups are in the newsgroup list before generating Xref: Submitted by: Steve Wyles 2001-05-11 * Handle case when diablo.hosts is not used 2001-05-11 * dnewslink: Fix bug in handling of 'on/off' options 2001-05-11 * diablo: Fix bug in handling of multiple A records 2001-05-08 * dgrpctl: Check for very long group names Diablo 3.1-REL * dreaderd: Add a per-session byte maximum value * dreaderd: Better checking of bad ranges in xover Submitted by: M.Lechner * dreaderd: Swap order of bytes and articles entries in the 'info server' syslog line. * dreaderd: Fix a bug in the dserver.hosts file to prevent re-reading the file through each read loop. Also allow adjusting of the priority when the file changes. * diablo/dreaderd: Allow setting of no Path entry in diablo.config Submitted by: michael @ * diablo: Add code to allow setting of compression level on compressed spools. * dnewslink: Dynamically adjust the usleep time for realtime feeds. * diloadfromspool: Various usage cleanups and minor bug fixes * dreaderd: Fix rate limit tax calculation so that it works * diablo: More efficient binary article type categorisation * diablo: Log incoming stats at NOTICE level * diablo: Log compressed article size (for compressed spools) to incoming log and syslog. * diablo: Fix use of 'all' arttype when used as first option Submitted by: Cor Bosman * dgrpctl: Add a checkgroups option * dreaderd: Fix binding to multiple ports * dnewslink: Reduce the frequency with which we stat() the backlog file to see if it has moved. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster * dreaderd: Increased the maximum length of dreader.access label names to 128 chars. * diablo: Don't reject newgroup messages posted to newsgroups that don't (yet) exist. * dexpire: Add an option to disable the file removal pass * dnewslink: Rename ignorebytes option to preservebytes * dnewslink: Make sure we flush file handles for realtime processes. * dreaderd: Update sample moderators file * dilookup: Improve (and document) the -s option to read IDs on stdin. Patch from: Robert Kiessling * dexpire: Add an option to 'unexpire' articles in dhistory. * dexpire: Fix a bug causing valid articles to be expired when the %s option is used in a spool path. * dreaderd: Add options to dserver.hosts to set local bind interface and tx/rx buffer sizes. Prompted by a patch from: George Cox . * dreaderd: Limit what commands are valid between a client using AUTHINFO USER and AUTHINFO PASS. * dnewslink: Fix some performance problems due to excessive use of fcntl(). * dexpire: Fix off-by-one error in memory allocation, patch from Gabor Gombas. * dreaderd: Add an option to disable detailed reader logging. * diablo: Add "dumphist" command to dicmd. Asks the parent diablo process to call the configured dumphist program in a blocking manner. New connections are not accepted and articles are not written to history for the duration of the program run. This is intended to help those with memory filesystems for history make periodic history file snapshots without a lot of extra pausing and scripting. Diablo 3.0-REL * pgpverify: Add a HOME env variable before executing pgp. HOME is set to 'path_home' in diablo.config. * diablo: Use zalloc for diab-filter, and free memory when forking from the parent. * diablo: Add 'rejectarts' and 'dontstore' options to metaspool definitions. This removes the 'unwanted' option. * didump: Fix recently intoruced bug that caused old articles to be incorrectly removed from history * diablo: If a newsfeed label has a '/', try to create the directories it requires, rather than fail silently. * dreaderd: Add an option to disable Newsgroups: header verification for POST requests. * dlockhistory: Experimental new daemon to mlock the history hash table into memory for a possible performance win on low memory machines. * dexpireover: Fix the lock timeout mechanism. * dreaderd: Allow '()<>' as characters in group descriptions * diablo: Fix a bug which would log the wrong number of seconds in the first checkpoint message. * diablo: Add the ability to execute a program upon normal server termination. This is potentially handy for any number of cleanup tasks. path_shutdown_cleanup in diablo.config. * dreaderd: Add a vserver option 'noreadpath' to disable the addition of a Path: entry for this reader. Useful for a cache-only dreaderd that only has other dreaderd's as clients. * diablo/dreaderd/dstart: Syncronised the bind and port options to '-B bindip[:port]' and '-P [bindip:]port' for all programs. Add diablo.config options for bind address. * dspoolout: Add a priority option so that some feeds can be given higher priority (nice value) than others. * dexpire: More fixes for the /news/spool/news special case. * lib/spool: Fix spooldirs when using them on /news/spool/news. * dspoolout: Properly preserve flags across passes; otherwise the realtime dnewslink processes can be forgotten. * diloadfromspool: Better support for spool object scanning and add an option to 'unexpire' articles. * diablo: Cleanup the expire flag in history. It is now a single bit of the h.exp entry so we maintain the old info on the article. This should also be backwardly compatable with existing history files, but new history files won't work with older code. * dreaderd: Add an interim patch to handle group name hash conflicts. This appears to work and I will maintain support for transparent upgrading to better code later. Once dexpireover is run, the header database can no longer be accessed by older code, although this code can handle older databases. Conflict resolution is done by storing the group name into the overview index header and an iteration number into for subsequent conflicts. * doutq, contrib/feeder-stats: Add support for dnntpspool.ctl-less operation. * dexpire: Fix a bug which would expire all articles in new-style spools on every invocation, if they were under /news/spool/news. * dexpireover: Fix a race condition that was causing dexpireover to resize groups with the incorrect end article number. This should fix the "missing articles" problem reported by many and the "corrupted overview entry" error logged occasionally. * diablo: Allow incoming hostnames to be specified in dnewsfeeds as 'inhost' per label. * diablo: Add an experimental spool compression option. This can be enabled per spool object. See lib/vendor.h for details. * diablo: Add path_pathlog option to diablo.config to enable logging of Path: lines - useful for inpaths stats. Also allows Path: to be piped to an external program. * diablo/dnewslink: Flush the open file cache every 10 minutes to allow spool files to be deleted if necessary. * diablo: Set default metaspool reallocinterval to 10 minutes * diablo/dnewslink: Keep some realtime, persistant statistics for all incoming, outgoing and spool feeds that can be dumped with dfeedinfo. This can be tuned with 'feederrtstats' in diablo.config. IMPORTANT NOTE: This changes the format of diablo incoming feed syslog lines * diablo/dreader: Add options to diablo.config to allow auto creation of newsgroups if they don't exist * dgrpctl: Add an adjust command to adjust NB, NE and NX values * dsyncgroups: Add -P option to specify a % limit increase in the end article number * dreaderd: Audit responses from spool servers during POST cmd * dreaderd: Correctly initialise the authentication structures. This fixes a bug that stopped the group restrictions for list active. * dreaderd: Add option ignoreauthinfo to readerdef to ignore AUTHINFO from clients that match an IP range * diablo: Hopefully fixed a bug with history corruption when rejecting articles, due to a buffer not being flushed properly * dspoolout: Add 'r' option to force starting a realtime process if one is configured. Also increase the chance of starting a realtime process when there is a small backlog * dreaderd: Add a path_drincominglog to log incoming feed articles into a separate file or syslog * dreaderd: Use -X option to specify an Xref: hostname when we are generating Xref: lines * dclient: New program to run commands on remote server and put output to stdout * dsyncgroups: Optimise by only updating fields when there are changes to them. Allow the group flag to be specified. * dgrpctl: Add listnewsgroups and groupinfo commands * all: Add '-V' option to all binaries to print version and exit * dsyncgroups: Add verbose and notforreal options. Improve usage message * diablo/dnewslink: Use double type for bytes counters * diablo: Log article size and type when rejecting an article. This changes the format of the reject log line in the incoming log * dgrpctl: Add a 'listactive' * diablo: Log the number of stat/article/head/body/bytes for articles retrieved from the spool, when the connection closes * diablo: Add the ability to allocate all articles received from a specific host to a metaspool * diablo: External spamfilter now compiled in by default and the path is specified in diablo.config * dexpire: Add an option so that we calculate directory sizes and use these sizes to determine space free rather than doing a statfs() after each delete. Dexpire will run until all requirements are met unless the '-O' option is used. Also do all size calculations in bytes. * dexpire: Properly close fd's when computing spool size, other bugs in spool size calculations. * diablo/dreaderd: Add diablo.config options for most command-line opts. Use a structure to handle all global options. * dreaderd: Allow post and list group restictions to be defined separately from group access restrictions. * dstart: Add a new program that does the root user stuff and switches to the news user before executing diablo/dreaderd * diablo: Add a rudimentry incoming filter that allows incoming articles to be rejected by article type before they are saved to disk (IFILTER in dnewsfeeds) - needs expansion, but this works for now * feeder-stats: Prevent some dib by zero errors * diablo: Add dicmd command 'rawstats' for unformatted stats * diablo: Add '-X' option to allow the Xref: hostname to be specified separately from pathhost if Xref: generation is enabled. Submitted by: Cor Bosman < cor @ > * dreaderd: Add an option to dreader.access that allows the access matching to stop at a particular access line if matched * dreaderd: Add a hook for a local C filter for outbound posts. A really annoying spammer deserves an equally annoying revenge. * dnewsfeeds: Properly load up values from the GLOBAL label (this code should be thrown out and re-written.) * diablo: General spamfilter changes: - internal filter disabled by default (enable with -S) - internal posting-host filter disabled by default - internal and external filters configurable as newsfeed entries (ISPAM and ESPAM). This gives control over what gets sent to the filters. * dnewsfeeds: Disable caching for feed data retrieval, since otherwise we end up using the same feed entry for every feed. * doutq: Support the new dnewsfeeds file format, if no dnntpspool.ctl exists. * diablo: Add code to categorise articles based on their type (e.g: binaries, mime, etc). This type can them be used to filter articles for feeds or spool objects. See samples/dnewsfeeds for article types. * dreaderd: Allow the authenticators to return a string that can include a readerdef to use once authenticated. Only the file authentication method uses it so far. * dnewsfeeds: Add a whole bunch of new options that are used by dspoolout. Replaces the options used in dnntpspool.ctl. * dspoolout: dnntpspool.ctl is redundant. All options are specified in dnewsfeeds under the corresponding label. The old file will still be used if it exists, in which case dnewsfeeds won't be used for dspoolout options. * dreadover: Add -a option to display MaxArts for all groups in active file. * all: Expand the spool system quite significantly to allow the allocation of hierarchies to spool objects. dexpire.ctl is now only used by dreaderd/dexpireover and diablo/dexpire now makes use of a new file: dspool.ctl. See samples/dspool.ctl) for the format of the file and how to use it. The major differences from previous version: - addition of dspool.ctl - spooldirs option in diablo.config is now in dspool.ctl and per spool object (kept for compatability mostly and the ability use very large spool objects with a large number of spool directories). - No longer use 'expire reader/feeder' in diablo.config and hence no more slot based expire - this can be handled with multiple metaspools (almost) making it much more flexible. - diablo no longer uses dexpire.ctl, although the old format of that file is parsed correctly by dreaderd/dexpireover. - the history file is not updated by dexpire unless a spool directory is removed. Updates can be forced with the '-h' option. * dreaderd: Add some basic LDAP user/pass authentication. Needs to be enabled at compile-time - see lib/vendor.h * diablo/dreaderd: Add option to create active file entry for all newsgroups seen. Groups created in this manner will not have a description, and moderated groups won't be set up correctly. Intended for use in conjunction with external mechanisms to address these issues. * dsyncgroups: Allow input from a file * dreaderd: Implement NEWNEWS - defaults to disabled, but can be enabled with an option in dreader.access * contrib: A little utility to assist with those who have the need to change their spooldirs directive in diablo.config. It will provide information about what spool data needs to be moved to generate a working config. * dreaderd: Add new authentication type, NetRemote, to allow for remote centralized authentication over the 'net. Includes a sample auth mini-server with all the networking stuff but no actual authentication guts (you can build your own). UTSL documentation provided. * dreaderd: Add new drcmd 'stats' and 'rawstats' commands to display various stats and improve syslog logging of some stats. 'rawstats' is used to display the stats in a format useful for stats gathering tools. * dsyncgroups: Add -n option to specify an increment applied to the NX and NE fields when they are synced. * drequeue: Add -s (send to stdout) option and ability to specify a newsfeed label on command-line * dreaderd: Log time connected * dreadart: Allow didump output line in '-f -' mode to bypass history lookup * diablo: Improved incoming article error detection * diablo: Don't mmap article when doing HistoryLookup for STAT * diablo/dreaderd: Synchronise the -B option for binding to an IP * diablo: Use the command-line -c and -p order to determine the order the entries are added to the Path:. Allow multiple of both -c and -p options. * dreaderd: Add the beginnings of some spool server article and byte count logging. -- merged fixes below into stable branch Diablo 2.6-REL * dnewslink: Reduce the frequency with which we stat() the backlog file to see if it has moved. Submitted by: FUNET Newsmaster * dnewslink: Avoid excessive calls to fcntl(). * dexpireover: Fix the use of SIGALRM to interrupt fcntl system calls to time out waiting for locks. * dreaderd: Allow '()<>' as characters in group descriptions * diablo: Set the correct time when adding a rejected history entry. This should really fix that history corruption problem. Detective work by: Nickolai Zeldovich < kolya @ MIT.EDU > Diablo 2.5-REL * dexpireover: Add a '-l' option to specify the time to wait for locks when resizing/rewriting files. * dreaderd: Fix a problem with spool state not being cleared when a client disappears before completing a post. Patch from: "Michael O'Reilly" < Michael.O'Reilly @ > * dreaderd: Fix a potential buffer overflow when responding to a successful post. * dreaderd: remove '\r' from empty lines of messages posted to a moderator. Submitted by: GOMBAS Gabor < gombasgu @ > * dexpireover: Don't remove overview files if we get disk errors otherwise we lose the overview data we have * didump: Option to verify that each history entry dumped can be found in history via normal HistoryLookup() * dspoolout: Add a new option 'maxstream' to dnewsfeeds that specifies the maximum number of articles to offer per streaming transaction. Submitted by: Bolo < bolo @ > * diablo: Better handling of articles with tab in Newsgroups header or nul anywhere - articles rejected * dnewslink: Performance improvement by not looking for headers in the body of the articles. * dnewslink: Add an option to allow the Bytes: header to be ignored on an outgoing feed. Useful for a header-only relay * dreaderd: Fix a bug that was rejecting connections that required authentication to do anything Diablo 2.4-REL * dreaderd: When displaying an article from cache, use the header db for the headers so that the Xref article number matches the one requested. This can be disabled with the undocumented spoolheaders option in dreader.access. * diablo: Add maxsize and minsize to remotely configurable feed option list * dreaderd: Fix a bug where dreaderd would spin and chew up CPU cycles, if the client disconnected abruptly or otherwise kept the SendQ full. * dreaderd: Updated post-addr-ck.c to actually do correct sanity checking for TLD's, etc. The legacy version only allowed US- centric checking. * dnewslink: Properly add up bytes for articles sent in streaming mode. * dnewslink: Better handling of hung connections Partial patch from: Andrew Gierth < andrew @ > * diablo: Faster response to incoming connections (Andrew Gierth) * dsyncgroups: Don't sync groups with negative begin or end numbers * dexpireover: Try not to dereference NULL pointers. * dreaderd: Set controlpost from access file Patch from: Paul Martin < pm-diab @ > * diablo: Add new 'feedlist' NNTP command to list current customisable feed configuration and improve TouchNewsfeed() Requested by and partial patches from: michael @ Diablo 2.3-REL * dreaderd: Fix problem with abuseto when POST_CRYPTXTRACE is set * dexpireover: Use correct values for initarts and maxarts * dreaderd: Handle 4 digit years (until 2099) and handle 3 digit years supplied by non-Y2K compliant readers. Patch (modifed) from: wusel @ (Kai 'wusel' Siering) * dreaderd: Fix bug in byte count for non-headfeed Reported by: wusel @ (Kai 'wusel' Siering) * diablo: When rejecting a bad Message-ID, include the Message-ID that was supplied * dspoolout: Fix bug in setting of logarts Reported by: Sameh Ghane < sw @ > * dreaderd: Improved post logging * dreaderd: Another fix for idle timeout * pgpverify: Support PGP 6.5.i From: michael @ * diablo: Keep track of bytes accepted and bytes received Requested (and part patch) by: michael @ * diablo: Better error handling for spool disk full * Catch incomplete incoming articles and report error * diablo: Fix history corruption when activedrop == yes * diablo: Only generate Xref: if a group is in active * dnewslink: Fix infinite loop when an article is instantexpired Fix from: Bolo < bolo @ > Diablo 2.2-REL * Fix bug in article post that caused core dump Diablo 2.1-REL * dprimehostcache: Add '-dump' option to display contents of dhosts.cache. * diablo: Fix bug in dns fwd/rev checking that could allow hostname spoofing. Also fix problem with IP lookups for dhosts cache. * dreaderd: Report reason for rejecting controls. * diablo: Fix Xref: generation for control.* messages to only generate the Xref: for the control group. Steve Wyles < stevew @ > * dreaderd: Use 400 response when client is allowed to connect again later (timeout, too many users, etc). * diablo: Another fix for multiple spool directories * dreaderd: Fix post Path: addition to allow no path addition Reported by michael @ * diablo: Use proper file locking for creating dhosts.cache * dexpireover: Add an option '-x' to enable a different expiry method. This new method tries to calculate how many header slots should be available based on the expire time vs the oldest article and how many articles are there already. * dexpireover: Add options to dexpire.ctl to allow the minimum and maximum header slot count to be specified. * dreaderd: When retrieving headers, stop scanning at the end of the header - control messages are stored whole. * dreaderd: Tighten up and improve the access control with new options for IP only matches. * diablo: Add back "allow_readonly" option for backward compat (ignore + syslog a notice pointing at dserver.hosts) * diablo: Fix handling of single-entry Path headers (from michael @ * diablo: Allow '+' in group names in dynamic feed configuration code (from michael @ * diablo/dreaderd: unified the scripts and added some documentation, you must edit this script before using it (you had to before anyways) * diablo: fixed DiabloSpoolDirs import; wrong code was imported * diablo: Be more informative in some error messages * dreaderd: Fix calculation of ratelimittax * diablo: Fix (grr) a code merge error in the DiabloSpoolDirs code in dexpire * diablo: Fix the generation of Xref: lines for control.* groups * dreaderd: Fix Xref: generation by using ReportedHostName rather than a vserver name. * dreaderd: Fix idle/session timeout - it was broken at some stage Also send a 502 response to the client before closing the connection. * dreaderd: Add an auth option to allow CDB database lookups Submitted by: Thomas Neumann * dreaderd: Allow control messages to be filed in special "control.*" newsgroups, if those groups exist, as opposed to just executing and then trashing them. This allows the admin to see recent newgroup/rmgroups, and possibly cancels if you are into that sort of thing. * Don't use a newly created host cache file of zero length (This is a safeguard) * Fix a bug with active file caching that caused a core dump * Increase usleep time in dnewslink for realtime feeds. 1ms causes performance problems. Diablo 2.0-REL * Updated to latest from Brad with local mods for 2.0 * Added newsmaster and readercrash options to diablo.config which set the address for control message mail and specify a program to run if dreaderd crashes. (kolya) * Only set the NewsAdmin if we didn't use -A to set it and documented the -A option Reported by: Dave Rynne Diablo 2.0-BETA03 * Make pre/post commit size and retention times runtime configurable * Cleanups and fixes for some of the article reject code in incoming article processing (Robert Kiessling with some additions from rv) * Return a 201 greeting code when the client is not allowed to send articles to us. (kolya) * Add 'grouplog' option to readerdefs in dreader.access, which allows disabling logging of group names in dreaderd.status and via syslog. (kolya) * Do some basic header checking whilst feeding. i.e: make sure there is one (and only one) of each of the important headers (Robert Kiessling) * Add new reject message (TooSmall) for articles below a minimum size to distinguish "really" missing headers from empty articles sent. (Robert Kiessling) * Move CommonPathName to be front of the MISMATCH (reported by Robert Kiessling) * Reduce precommit expire time to 30 seconds and increase postcommit to 45 minutes * Improve dnewslink logging: logarts now takes a parameter which specifies the log level (Robert Kiessling) * Improve the code to handle 431 responses in diablo so that the defer queue gets cleared when it starts filling up (Robert Kiessling) * Support for forced read-only incoming connections (dreaderd spool) and "mode readonly" (R flag in dserver.hosts) (kolya) * Allow per vserver max connection limiting * Add 'drcmd vstats' to display some stats about readerdef and vserver usage * Use 436 for 'resend later' in IHAVE * Add NEWGROUP caching (kolya) * Add an option to allow DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch for an authdef * Some more logging patches for dnewslink from Robert Kiessling * Allow reuse of requeue queue in dnewslink - this allows realtime processes to flush and reuse it. * Close and open the incoming log for child diablo processes * Add precomreject option to enable rejecting precommit hits for an incoming feed (Diablo did this pre-2.0) * Fix a bug which caused Diablo to bogously accept and spool PostDuplicate articles (Robert Kiessling) Diablo 2.0-BETA02 * Go back to using Joe's CidrMatch as it handles more odd cases * Hopefully fixed drcmd exit * Reduce the default feed forks to 2 - we seldom need more than 1 * Add a date to the incoming log for diablo feeding * Fix various rejctions that would hang around in the precommit cache too long so we lose the opportunity to get the article from another host. Thanks to Robert Kiessling < Robert.Kiessling @ > for the discussion, hints and some patches. * Log history hits, tab in Path: header rejections and duplicate article after receive for incoming feeds * Add a %STATS label that accepts a connection, prints some stats and closes the connection * Improve the outgoing article logging in dnewslink by also logging the time, stage and reason for rejection. (Robert Kiessling < Robert.Kiessling @ >) * Allow ident user to be specified in the access line of dreader.access * Suggest a Message-ID: in the POST response (experimental) * Fix the use of some of the vserver options in headers Diablo 2.0-BETA01 * Log the group names+counter for readers * Add 'version' command for drcmd and dicmd * Improved functionality of dreadover * Use 502 response codes for failed connects to reader * FIX: Stop feed-only processes from making a connection to the backend spool - they don't need it * Add a command "dgrpctl" to allow one to add/mod/del newsgroups * Use 431 (resend later) when we get a precommit cache hit with incoming articles * Add ability to log incoming articles (feeding) to a file instead of only to syslog * Add support for drcmd ("drcmd help" to get commands) * Add modifyxrefhost to vserver def to allow overriding of Xref: hostname * Add an idletimeout and sessiontimeout that can be enabled per reader group. * Add an option to nntpspool.ctl to allow restrictions on the hours a feed is allowed to start up. * Add -x option to diablo feeder to enable updating of NX field if active is enabled. This is useful for a backup to an Xref master. * Allow a max article size to be specified for the external spamfilter * Allow dnewslink to handle 'resend later' responses correctly by really resending them later. * Complete rewrite of dreader authentication with a new file (dreader.access) in a new format - add a delayedclosesecs to delay closing on failure - more comprehensive virtual server configuration - add group restrictions - all authentication now done in dns processes - rate limit tax for reducing rate on extra connections * Fix bugs in handling of the rebuild of the diablo.hosts cache. Transit stuff: Enhanced article logging now available via syslog. Will provide information about why an article was rejected, and/or XRef: numbering and stuff like that. Changed a whole bunch of various session messages to be more informative and useful. Add "-A" flag to command line to set news admin contact address. XRef: generated for control messages if control.* newsgroups exist. Eventually these should be made available at the reader level. Diablo SpoolDir modification: allow multiple spool directories so that you don't have to build terabyte-sized spool filesystems for things like binaries. The spool directories are simply meant to be equally sized "sub-spools", and do not get into gymnastics to put particular groups or particular article sizes on particular spools. Fix history sizing, for those of us who really did mean it when we put in "hsize 64m" in diablo.config. From kolya: checks for malloc() return values. From kolya: SIGALRM patch for dnewslink.c Reader stuff: Integrated a whole bunch of stuff to provide virtual news reader capabilities. See "vN" flag in dreader.hosts, and dreader.virtuals file for configuration details. Enhanced system logging now available via syslog. Enhanced transaction logging now available via syslog. Added per-session byte/article, per-group byte/article counters. Changed some session messages to be more informative and useful. Add "-A" flag to command line to set news admin contact address. Added lots of stuff to outbound post system, see comments in vendor.h: 1) From: address checker (not comprehensive, but good for US ISP's) to prevent things like "". If somebody would care to figure out a way to generalize this..., 2) Regurgitation checking to prevent users from posting articles that they fetched back at the server, 3) Forcible Message-ID rewriting, 4) Restrictions on cancel and supersedes issuing (Hipcrime buster), 5) Encrypted NNTP-Posting-Host and X-Trace capabilities Rewrote DnsTest, and therefore also the entire dreader.hosts file format. Now can do RADIUS, multiple user=/pass=, CIDR notation on IP ranges, etc. Added realm= optimization to dreader.hosts From kolya: overview flushing patch. From kolya: dsyncgroups patch. Diablo V1.28 * DReaderd can now handle duplicate articles if it is run with the '-x xrefhost' option. * Added 'readerxover trackonly' option. This causes dreaderd to maintain the xover control files but not the xover data files, allowing dexpireover to be run but not allowing user reader access. This would be used in a mid-level cache which you are also using to maintain the active file in regards to article expiration. The idea here is that your leaf reader boxes can then partially synchronize their active files to the active file maintained on the midlevel box. * BSDI configuration now uses anonymous mmap and usleep() * PATCHES FROM RUSSELL VINCENT: - don't log successful connects as errors - change to LOG_INFO - add ability to match CIDR blocks in dreader.hosts (incl example) This patch is modified from a patch I obtained from a forgotten source (apologies to author). The original patch didn't work in all cases. - add the ability to limit simultaneous hosts for a matching line in dreader.hosts, rather than for a specific host. Also fix some spelling errors - Keep track of the remote port for client connections so that we close the correct connection each time and we log all connection closes. Also log the port, so that we get a separate log entry for multiple connects/closes instead of syslog logging 'last message repeated n times'. - add '-F' command-line option to disable the external spamfilter if it has been compiled in. Include additions to man page. - add 'logarts' to dnntpspool.ctl and '-A' option to dnewslink to allow logging of all article accepts/rejects for a particular host. Logging is done to "~log/feedlog.hostname". - Also accept a response of 201 (readonly access) from a remote server when running dsyncgroups. We only need read access. - Allow an group:art1-art2 range to be specified to dreadover for extracting header data for a range of articles in a group. - add a '-Q' option to diloadfromspool that reads the spool (ignoring history) for all articles and writes the output in a format that is suitable for drequeue (also included as drequeue.c). - An extra program to (usually) requeue articles for all newsfeeds based on specific input. Uses the standard options for specifying an alternative diablo.config file to, for example, only requeue articles for a specific feed. Please feel free to use the usual Diablo copyright for this. - add a command-line option to disable ident lookups in dreaderd - Rewrite the Authenticate() function of diablo so that it does a background IP lookup of all hosts in diablo.config and caches them. It rewrites the file at a (configurable) interval and when diablo.hosts changes. This fixes a problem where a news server has a given hostname, but the PTR for the IP points to a different host (which resolves to the same IP - hence still reasonably secure). i.e: 2 hosts point to same IP and you want to use the host without the reverse mapping. Diablo V1.27 More bug fixes from Nickolai. While running dreaderd, I've found two more things that I think might be worth fixing: -- The overview FD cache wasn't being flushed for feed-only forks, and thus kept certain groups from being properly resized upon expire. I've added the appropriate call to FlushOverCache for feed-only forks; this is my fault, I forgot about this case in my previous patch. -- Stale clients were being accumulated (ACTV in dreaderd.status but no TCP connection) because a file descriptor which corresponds to a closed TCP connection is not considered writeable by select(), at least on Solaris 2.6. I've changed the select() loop to poll all fd's for read, and close the connection if recv() returns 0. I'm not too sure about the efficiency here, but so far it seems to be working OK. Here are some additional modifications I've made to diablo-1.25-REL, and found quite useful in my situation; perhaps you could integrate these into the next release, if you think these would be useful to others? Some description of what these diffs intend to do: -- Parallelizing dexpireover: Add an option to make dexpireover fork N times and have each fork process 1/Nth of the overview information. This gives a noticeable speedup when running dexpireover with -e (history based expiration): on our reader Ultra60, we have two 10kRPM disks striped together for dhistory + overview (not spool), and 'dexpireover -e' takes ~16 hours; doing it in parallel with 4 forks cuts the time down to about 6 hours. [ As a side note, running dexpireover with -o, using the dexpover.dat file generated by dexpire, takes 10 min ] -- Generating Lines: headers in headfeed mode: Added an option to dspoolout, and a corresponding switch to dnewslink, to generate Lines: headers if one is not already present, in headfeed mode. Allows always having a meaningful line count in overview. -- No-initial-response bug in dnewslink: If dnewslink connects to a remote server, and doesn't get any reply, it hangs forever try to read from the socket. Set the KillFd before trying to read initial response from remote. Diablo V1.26 *** FIXED Y2K BUG IN PARSEDATE() FOR 2-DIGIT YEARS ***. While 2-digit years are not legal in USENET Date: headers, some sites still produce them. My Y2K handling for 2-digit years is broken, I was incorrectly subtracting or adding 50 instead of 100 in my calculations in lib/parsedate.c 4-digit years (the vast majority of USENET postings) work properly. Also, a huge patch set by Nickolai Zeldovich has been integrated in: XMakefile.inst Allow installing from a symlinked build tree util/dsyncgroups.c In some cases, group ends up being NULL; check util/dspoolout.c Check return value from malloc() filter/diab-filter.c Suppress error messages which result from missing articles (invalid filename passed) dreaderd/control.c Missing '@' sign in the email address util/dexpire.c (1) Unchecked malloc() return value (2) Part of the larger change below: man/dexpire.8 | Support for expiring overview based on a list of man/dexpireover.8 | expired article hash values, written by dexpire. util/dexpireover.c | It might be possible to distribute this file to lib/config.c | remote readers for dexpireover to use, although lib/global.c | I haven't tried (hv's might be different in the samples/diablo.config | unlikely case of collision). dreaderd/group.c | Periodic flush of overview FD cache, to allow dreaderd/reader.c | dexpireover to clean more groups samples/adm/biweekly.atrim Fix path to dkp; also changed to reflect the features below: lib/newsfeed.c | Support for dhistory-readonly mode, which allows util/diablo.c | the reader to still retrieve articles while the samples/dnewsfeeds | dhistory file is being rebuilt (no posting, of samples/adm/*.reader | course). Also added a user-configurable delay samples/adm/ | in the article-read loop to throttle incoming biweekly.atrim | feeds to a certain degree. Uses nanosleep() and | thus requires -lposix4 under Solaris. Diablo V1.25 Incorporated patch submitted by Nickolai Zeldovich which adds the -e option to dexpireover, causing dexpireover to expire based on the article content in the local spool rather then by days. Fixed up some compilation collisions with libc w/ strlcpy. Fixed bug in dsyncgroups - the creation and last-modified time stamp for groups already in was being improperly updated. Diablo V1.24 Fixed arts= and bytes= fractional values in log, they were counting 3.1022M, 3.1023M, 4.000M ... oops. Fixed bug in dreaderd xover code, unterminated article ranges ( such as '45-' ) were not being parsed properly. Fixed bug in handling of -D option to dsyncgroups. Added more documentation on the issue of POSTing from a reader back to the feeder and having it propogate down properly. Diablo V1.23-REL ***** RELEASE **** Fix bug in partial read from local socket that could cause the Act count to not decrement properly in dreaderd, locking up dreaderd after a while. Some adjustments for AIX added by request. Diablo V1.22-REL ***** RELEASE **** Add -f option to dreaderd, which defaults to ON. This is the FastCopy feature. When dreaderd retrieves an article from a remote spool, it normally buffers it completely before sending it to the client. This is so it can transparently restart the request if the spool server dies. However, this rarely happens. Now dreaderd will copy the data to the requesting client as it receives it. If the spool server dies prior to starting the body of the article dreaderd can still transparently restart the request. If the spool server dies after starting to send the body, the article will be truncated from the point of view of the client. Use -f0 to turn off this feature. Diablo V1.21-test05 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE **** Oops, broke 'xover artno' ... it would list the wrong article number. Fixed. Diablo V1.21-test04 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE **** Test for and fix user bogosity when user specifies bad article ranges, to prevent infinite loops in the server. Diablo V1.21-test03 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE **** Found and fixed bug in dexpireover reported by linux users in regards to 'NFS: No free inodes - contact Linus' error. Turned out to be a mmap() that I was forgetting to munmap! Bug finally located by Paul Martin. Diablo V1.21-test02 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE **** dreaderd main loop polls open descriptors every 5 minutes, workaround for linux bug. Code will also be used to implement idle timeout later. Added a little error checking to recvmsg() (should have no realized effect). Diablo's X-Trace: generation made to conform more closely to INN-2.x's, includes PathHost as first element now and moves the username element. Will probably change the username to a user-id in the next release to prevent scanners from deriving email addresses from X-Trace. Test for X-PGP-Sig header migrated from group.c to control.c in order to centralize authentication tests in preparation for generalizing the interface. Control/Authentication interface revamped in preparation for librarization of authentication. Bug fixed in lib/dkp.c related to seg-faults occuring in dexpireover in certain cases. TUNING_NOTES file played with. Removed altfeed (feeds/ directory) optimizations that caused directives in dnewsfeeds for feeds with feeds/ files to be ignored. Diablo V1.21-test01 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE **** 23 Oct 1998 ( This release is designated experimental due mainly to the change in the implementation of gropudef/groupref in dnewsfeeds. Sites running complex dnewsfeeds files should probably not move to this release. Other sites, including sites running dreaderd, will almost certainly want to upgrade ). Groups in dnewsfeeds (groupref, groupdef) are now fully recursive and ALL DIRECTIVES ARE SUPPORTED IN THE GROUPDEFs. This should greatly reduce the complexity of some site's newsfeeds. However, the new recursion implementation has not been fully tested yet. Added feed-only forks to dreaderd, so you can feed dreaderd without loading down a reader fork, which would effect other readers using that fork due to the load. See samples/dreader.hosts, 'f' flag. feed-only forks so not make connections to the spool/post servers. NOTE: the article, group, and head commands may not be issued for 'f'eed only connections (i.e. connections without the 'r' flag set). Moderated postings that send mail to the moderator were improperly passing certain headers to sendmail, such as Path: and To:, which would either be improperly executed by sendmail or improperly forwarded by the moderator. Seg-fault in diablo fixed: if diablo tries to retrieve an article past the end of the spool file (e.g., due to the spool file being truncated in a crash), it seg faulted. Fixed. dilookup now also understands the output from the didump command. (e.g. didump | dilookup -s) -F option add to dreadart (force read, ignore expired flag) dilookup prints 'not found' entries to stdout rather then stderr to make piping greps and stuff through it (via -s) easier. Fixed bug in dexpire: would improperly expire history adds that occured during the dexpire run itself when reader-mode expiration was configured. dexpire now just looks for the existance of the proper spool directory rather then the D.xxxxxxxx/B.xxxx file when determining whether to expire a history entry. Added 'diloadfromspool' utility. This utility will scan the entire spool, a specific set of D.xxxxxxxx directories, or a specific set of D.xxxxxxxx/B.xxxx spool files and regenerate the history records for the articles it finds. Currently there is one catch: In order to properly handle 8-bit-clean articles and ensure the robustness of the data, the Lines: header must be correct. Unfortunately, the Lines: header is not always correct so the command needs some more work (or I need to recalculate Lines: in the feeder). Diablo V1.20-REL ***** RELEASE **** Better Statistics Reporting in Diablo server - now includes breakdown of why articles were accepted or rejected. Increased diablo's precommit cache from 8192 to 16384 entries (from 128K to 256K of shared memory), and increased collision window from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and the pre-commit history pre-cache retention from 10 minutes to 40 minutes. DReaderD now reports statistics on close: number of groups entered (group commands), number of articles read (head, article, or body commands), and number of bytes sent to client. Added -R option dexpireover - causes it to dynamically resize the over.* files and completely rewrite the data.* files in /news/spool/group. This allows fine-grain removal of garbarge from the overview files at the cost of rewriting every file. For this reason, 'dexpireover -R -a' should only be run once a week. The standard dexpireover should continue to be run daily. The standard dexpireover is much faster, but leaves wasted space inside the data.* files. Since dexpireover -R is now able to dynamically resize the overview indexes, Diablo defaults to creating 512-article indexes rather then 1024-article indexes. On a clean start it may take two or three weeks for the article indexes for heavily loaded groups to stabilize. Added -s option to dexpireover. The -s option is implied by the -a option. This option will allow dexpireover to dynmically resize the index (over.*) files in /news/spool/group but unlike the -R option it will not attempt to rewrite the data.* files. The combination of -a (implying -s) run a daily basis and -R run on a weekly basis should keep disk usage in /news/spool/group in-check. You can further refine disk utilization by setting explicit expire times in dexpire.ctl (see 'x' option in samples/dexpire.ctl) A WEEKLY crontab entry has been added, you need to add an entry in your cron to deal with it. See samples/adm/crontab.sample Updated the cron entries and sample crontab in samples/adm to make use of the new dpath command. Also: dexpire is now run once an hour rather then once every four hours, please double-check you crontabs. Allow .\n to terminate an article as well as .\r\n, because some dumb newsclients don't pass the CR like they are supposed to. Well, at least dots are supposed to be escaped so this doesn't screw up escaping of 8-bit-clean data. Add a Distribution: header internally based on distrib.pats if none is specified in the POST or if a blank Distribution: header is specified in the POST. Added configuration path elements to diablo.config. You can also specify the location of diablo.config in the DIABLO_CONFIG_PATH environment variable or by using the '-C diablo.config.path' option with any command. Baring that, the default location for the config file is /news/diablo.config. dreaderd's debug-aid, -C, has been changed to -X so -C can be used to specify a different location for the diablo.config file. Diablo V1.19-REL ***** RELEASE **** Implemented Supercedes: processing Fixed bug in GMT handling in newnews NNTP command. Fixed bug in moderator addressing, wasn't converting dots to dashes. Major revamping of documentation Implemented 'list distrib.pats', implemented 'list distributions'. Diablo V1.18-REL ***** RELEASE **** Fixed compiler error, some compilers don't like dynamic struct initialization. Fixed '.' escaping bug with POST command. POST command now mails the moderator if an unapproved posting is sent to a moderated group. (POST does not yet (should it???) mail any To: lines). Control messages were generating article number assignments in the Diablo feeder. Since control messages are out of band, this is incorrect and created gaps on the reader. The feeder no longer generates group:artno in the Xref: line for control messages. 'listgroup' command no longer lists article numbers that do not exist in overview (but still may list articles that no longer exist in the spools, since checking spool(s) is expensive). Dist now includes Iain's feeder-stats-3.80. NOTE: Iain changed the passed date format from a two to a four digit year. Diablo V1.17-REL ***** RELEASE **** The XMakefile structure has been reorganized somewhat. Hopefully this will not break builds on other platforms. The copyright has been changed. The less restrictive BSD copyright is now in effect, with a few modifications. I call it my "screw MickySoft's monopoly" copyright. Diablo reader code now checks for guard characters in the overview data file for retrieved overview data and logs any corrupt entries that it finds. Debug code added in test20 removed, diablo now ftruncate()s article files properly again when articles fail the standard filters. Fixed a bug in xover, xhdr, and other overview-related commands. In certain cases when a range of articles is specified, information pertaining to the last article number in the range will not be output. Fixed a bug in the cancel code - it would not cancel the last article in a group due to an off-by-one loop test. Added Joe Greco's Diablo-filter functionality. You have to turn it on in lib/vendor.h. See filter/README. THIS IS UNTESTED. (late addition to release notes: also adjusted POST code to allow a lone newline to separate headers from body. It previously required a CR+LF). Diablo V1.16-test23 ***** BETA RELEASE ***** NOTE!! The diablo tar file now extracts into a subdirectory named diablo-$(VERS)-$(SUBVERS)/ rather then diablo/ !!! Feeder-stats-3.71 from Iain Lee integrated. contrib/innactive removed (dsyncgroups should be used to generate initial files now). Diablo V1.16-test22 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Oops, fixed a few syntax errors in the test21 codebase. Fixed a boundry condition in the KPDB code that could cause dsyncgroups to segfault, or dreaderd in some cases if you were looking up the last entry in the database. Fixed a race condition in the KPDB scanning code that would cause 'list active' to return different sizes (it was cutting off a portion of the tail of the database during the scan because it was not checking for the case where the database needs to be resized). Fixed 'listgroup' off-by-one error (it wasn't including the last article number). This was causing tin and other readers to get confused. Diablo V1.16-test21 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** oops, broke 'article ' retrieval. bleh. fixed. Diablo V1.16-test20 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** removed ftruncate() from diablo server article spooler. Instead, fill would-be-deleted bytes with 0xFF. This wastes some space but is required to debug an article corruption problem that occurs with FreeBSD. Fixed bug in spool/post statistics, again. Diablo V1.16-test19 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Added 'newgroups' command support. Note: it currently scans and therefore isn't very efficient yet, so beware! Fixed bug in spool/post statistics (in ps output). Fixed a ddprintf() in DoPipe that was broken. 'article artno' command no longer returns success if the overview information is intact but the article cannot be found in the spool... it now properly returns '430 No such article'. bug in 'list active' and 'newgroups' fixed that would cause the list to be improperly cut-off (XXX 21 sep 98: actually not quite fixed yet -Matt XXX). The Diablo server now detects and logs corrupt spool entries (entries with a NUL as the first or last character, or missing the out of band guard-NUL following the article). Diablo V1.16-test18 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Fixed bug in dnewslink that caused it to continue to scan the queue even when it's batch file got ripped out from under it, which could result in more dnewslink's running the specified by dnntpspool.ctl dnewslink now checks for spaces in the message-id. samples/adm/daily.dclean updated. The 'removal of empty D.XXXXXXXX directories' code has been removed. This code interferes with reader-mode expiration by creating holes in the spool directory sequence which causes diablo to hit a failsafe. Symptoms will include Diablo not accepting news quickly enough to keep up with a feed. UPDATE YOUR DAILY.DCLEAN SCRIPT!!!!! Diablo V1.16-test17 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Minor source updates to remove compilation warnings. Spam filter handles garbaged hash table entries better. Fixed bug in new dhistory file add code that could cause lots of appended blocks of zeros, blowing up the history file's size. dnewslink now does more strict checking of Message-ID's Diablo V1.16-test16 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Serious bug in POST code for reader fixed. TCP_NODELAY option set in reader, nagle gets in the way too much when lots of little transactions are made (i.e. 'group' commands by news clients which have large .newsrc files). MsgId() code now checks for garbage message-id's such as '>'. While this sort of thing doesn't blow up Diablo, it can blow up other news systems. (Not quite finished with this yet, need to incorporate a patch from Terry to finish it up). Solaris config now expects solaris to have snprintf. Should get rid of bogus syslog error messages but otherwise has little effect on the code. Diablo V1.16-test15 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** 'activedrop yes' was causing bogus (non-existent) entries to be written to the queue files for articles caught by that filter. The Diablo feeder now limits the number of D. spool directories it manages. The default is 14 days (2016 directories). See samples/diablo.config for the override. This is because the expire reader mode of operation doesn't appear to stabilize if the number of spool directories is allowed to grow indefinitely. Diablo V1.16-test14 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Added 10 second reverse ident timeout on read. Some sites would connect but would otherwise just hang the reverse ident, causing a DNS processing backlog. Changed history file append mechanism. Diablo now appends a large block of zero'd records then allocates out of the block by scanning the last N records. It is reasonably efficient even though we use read() to locate an empty record. Added '-SD' option to disable the NNTP-Posting-Host: portion of the spam filter. Diablo V1.16-test12 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** dreader.hosts scan changed AGAIN.. sorry. Ok, now it scans the file once checking for matches against the IP address or FQDN from the reverse lookup. Previously it scanned the file checking FQDN's, then scanned the file again checking for IP's which could cause a "*" wildcard at the end of the file match an FQDN before an IP address earlier in the file matched the IP. It is now much more intuitive. 'q' flag added for dreaderd.hosts, surpress logging. Useful when you want to get rid of an idiot who connects a lot, and don't want to clutter your logs. Added 'L' flag - global rate limiting (per connection) to dreader.hosts. The specification is 'Lnnnn' where nnnn is the number of bytes per second the connection is to be limited to. Example: 'L2048' limits the datarate to 2 KBytes/sec. madvise() support added for diablo feeder. XADV_WILLNEED and XADV_SEQUENTIAL added to both the feeder and dnewslink. (On FreeBSD systems, XADV_SEQUENTIAL will fault in more pages at a time and XADV_WILLNEED will pre-load the page table for pages residing in the buffer cache). This is turned on automatically for FreeBSD (people need to submit patches for other OS's). dnewslink sets TCP_NODELAY to turn off nagle because it could cause unnecessary write buffering delays. We do a good job flushing our output properly and it's already a transaction oriented protocol, so... dnewslink reconnects to the destination for each queue file. Now it tries to reconnect to the *same* destination it succesfully connected to previously. It does not call gethostbyname() again unless a connect() fails. This way if a host has multiple IN A's and some don't work, dnewslink will tend to stick to the one that does work. (this problem noticed with sprintlink). increased dnewslink's internal write gather buffer from 4K to 8K. Added USE_POLL option for dnewslink to use poll(). It's turned on automatically for FreeBSD-3.0 or later. poll() is used to wait for new data to be appended to the queue file so dnewslink can read it ('realtime' and 'd-1' options in dspoolout.ctl must be specified), and poll()/read() is used rather then alarm(Timeout)/read()/alarm(0) when waiting for responses from the remote. The Diablo feeder code no longer ftruncate()'s spool files for every post-write reject (spam cache, article too large, in-transit history collision, etc...). Instead it simply seeks back. The feeder will ftruncate trailing 'garbarge' from a prior post-write reject on the descriptor close() only. Since ftruncate() must typically fsync() a file (or at least the file metadata), the new algorithm should save disk I/O. Added 'readerdns' option to diablo.config syslog logging fixed for dreaderd... it was logging the wrong description process identifier. debug aid added to dreaderd, -C option - cause SIGSEGV to be caught and infinite-loop the process. Otherwise process just dies without a core due to system setuid() security. Fixed dreaderd reader crash - was holding KPDB record pointers across state changes (where the KPDB might get remapped) for long scans (i.e. 'list active'). Changed KPDB ScanFirst/Next to operate on offsets rather then pointers. Fixed dreaderd.status slot assignment for when a reader process dies and is reforked by the parent. Added forward DNS lookup to verify reverse. hostname matching is not considered legal if reverse lookup does not match forward (if you are doing a public server, FQDN:* would disallow mismatched reverse/forwards while IP:* would allow them. Put IP:* after FQDN:* to attempt to obtain the fqdn first, but still allow even if the fqdn cannot be obtained) Diablo V1.16-test11 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Added additional errno checks in lib/buffer.c. Fixed ps status line reporting of number of active spooler and poster servers. Made fixes to record locking when reading data from there were a few race conditions where one process could be parsing a group record while another was simultanious making modifications to it. This will hopefully fix a 'bogus group' race that occurs sometimes... don't know yet, crossing my fingers. Added 'L' and 'l' rate-limiting options to dreaderd.hosts, added 'h' option to dreaderd.hosts, set maximum number of connections from host. Added 'u' option to dreaderd.hosts, set maximum number of connections from user@host (only applies when identd lookups are successful). (NOTE: 'l' and 'L' not yet implemented) documented user authentication options in dreaderd.hosts Fixed wildcard handling in dreaderd.hosts ... you specify that a wildcard is to be applied specifically to an IP address or FQDN by using the IP: or FQDN: prefix. Otherwise it will apply to an FQDN only if the wildcard does not start with a digit. The sample dcontrol.ctl file was broken. Removed bogus all: entries that were droping valid checkgroups messages. Added more explicit instructions in README.READER on how to setup pgp. Added options for HPUX in lib/config.h, tested w/B.11.00-A. Added errno tests for EAGAIN (previously only checked for EWOULDBLOCK), again to support hpux. Diablo V1.16-test10 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** ** Upgrade your xmake to 1.05 before compiling Diablo ** ** Note, new fields added to Run 'dexpireover -a -U999' to add new fields. It is then suggested that you shut everything down and run 'dkp -t' to remove all the garbage from the file. ** Gave the diablo *feeder* side the ability to process header-only feeds. The feeder can process a mix of header-only and full-article feeds. The feeder-side 'article' and 'body' commands will return an article-not-found error if an attempt is made to retrieve an article that was originally stored from a header-only feed. This allows you to run a mix of feeds into a diablo feeder frontend in order to deal with duplicates, and then pass a header-only feed onto the reader. Fixed minor bug in snprintf().. it should cap the return value at the size of the buffer. The bug didn't effect anything and neither will the fix. dexpire now has a new option, '-s', which is to be used if your spool is softupdates-mounted. The option causes dexpire to sync/sleep/sync/sleep after removing each directory in order for statsfs() to be more reasonable. Fixed NumPending/NumActive counter error when a dreaderd/DNS process dies or gets stuck. Added 'activedrop' option to diablo.config .. when 'active on' is set, causing the feeder to assign article numbers from the file, the feeder normally continues to spool articles with no matching groups in If activedrop is set, the feeder will reject such articles. Note that when running the feeder and reader on the same box, they can safely share the same file. This is because the feeder assigns article numbers via the "NX" field rather then the "NE" field. option -X[E,X] added to dsyncgroups to allow the NX field to be adjusted based on a remote NNTP host. Works like the -N option. The reader no longer creates overview for non-existant groups. 'b' option lines expire in dexpire.ctl was not working quite as advertised. Changed the math a bit to make it more exponential. Add pre-cancel cache to dreader to allow it to process cancels for articles that have not yet arrived. Only pre-cancels are entered into the cache, so as long as we get the article a reasonable amount of time after receiving the cancel, we will be able to properly detect that it was canceled. post-article-cancels are already handled. redid debugging. If you send a USR1 signal to a diablo process, normally a child diablo process, it will syslog a line for each received article indicating whether the article was accepted or not and, if not, why. More USR1's can be sent to bump up the debug level. Send a single USR2 to reset the debug level back to 0. dexpire's -s option enhanced somewhat. '-s#' specifies the sleep period inbetween sync()'s. See manual page. Added CTS and LMTS fields to ... keep track of when a group was created and when a group last received a new article. (see also: -O option to dexpireover). CTS will also eventually be used to implement active.times and related NNTP commands. Added -O option dexpireover. When combined with the -w ( wildcard specification ) option, dexpireover will delete stale newsgroups. See the manual page to dexpireover. Added -h0 option to dexpire. Allow you to expire the spool without updating the history file. Useful in emergencies or in order to expire on a tighter scheduler without incuring the history update overhead for every dexpire run. Fixed bug in feeder where offset/size was being stored in history for articles canceled by size, which could cause dreadart to attempt to map the (non existant) article. Diablo V1.16-test9 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Added -v option to didump so you can see generally where articles are landing in the D.XXXXXXXX directory tree when using reader-mode expiration. changed dexpire again to do a sync();sleep(1);sync(); after each directory has been removed, again to try to support softupdates. Fixed listen code when max number of Dns or max number of readers reached, was previously setting or clearing select bits for all descriptors rather then just the descriptors used to listen for new connections. Dummy 'control.CTLNAME' group added prior to the creation of the spool file in Diablo, allowing special expirations to be set for control messages. The sample dexpire.ctl defaults to a nominal 80% retention for control.* but only 20% for control.cancel (applies to diablo's reader expiration mode). Diablo V1.16-test8 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** There is an IHAVE protocol case that the feeder handles incorrectly. In the case where the remote sends an IHAVE command and gets a 335 response, and then sends the article, it is expecting a final ack of 500, 501, 502, 436, 400, 235, or 437. It is not expecting a 435 response for the final ack at this point in the protocol and Diablo may send a 435 if an in-transit article collision occurs. Diablo has been changed to return a '437 Duplicate.' in this case rather then 435. This only effects the IHAVE protocol, not the streaming protocols. It should be noted that innxmit will handle the 435 response just fine, though not 100% efficiently, and newer innfeed's seem to handle a 435 response fine as well, but older innfeed's cannot handle it. While we lose some accuracy by reporting the reject code instead of the duplicate code, it's not critical in regards to the non-streaming IHAVE protocol. Added -l option to didump (line mode flush on output, useful when piping didump -f to something (see didump man page). dexpire calls sync() and sleep(1) before calling statfs(), so decoupled filesystems such as FreeBSD/BSDI w/ softupdates return more accurate statfs() results. Without it, as much as 80% of a 40G spool might be removed before the FS bitmaps catch up. Oops! fixed segfault bugs in dnewsfeed relating to seg faulting on unexpected EOF. Diablo V1.16-test7 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Fixed serious bug on Diablo feeder side. When operating in 'expire reader' mode, diablo expects /news/spool/news/D.XXXXXXXX directories for each ten-minute period. dexpire must expire the directories in time order and, indeed, it does. But if diablo is killed and restarted, a gap may occur. Diablo hits a sleep failsafe whenever it can't create an article file which can cause it to slow down massively. The fix is to have diablo create any missing directories on startup. I also create missing directories at run-time in Diablo locks up for a long enough period of time (which shouldn't happen, but if it does it will log it). Note that it is very important for Diablo to *not* recreate directories that have been deleted by dexpire. Doing so would result in article corruption by causing previously deleted article files to be recreated. Under no circumstances should you ever manually rm -rf a spool directory in the middle of the sequence range of current spool directories!!! Use dexpire. Added USE_MADVISE option to lib/config.h (and turned it on for FreeBSD) -- use madvise() syscall to reduce page faults by pre-mapping system-cached pages for articles. On systems which support it, this should reduce page faults taken by dnewslink mmaps which can be considerable. The reader code also uses this when mapping overview files. dnewslink process title changed so systems with ps status line support can see the run-time status of various dnewslinks. Diablo V1.16-test6 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** Removed cleanup in samples/adm/biweekly.atrim ... this will blow up the reader! Removed manual references to the 'egrep' method of pruning a KP database. Fixed NumActive accounting. The reader processes were doing reader accounting for server failures, not just reader disconnects. Fixed POST bug. .. oops, I wasn't checking to see if posting was allowed and was always allowing posting. Bleh. Diablo V1.16-test5 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** 'x' option added to dexpire.ctl, see sample file for more info (as related dexpireover). 'b' option added to dexpire.ctl ... adjusts expiration based on the number of lines in the article, ala the Lines: header if it exists. (I can't do it based on size because I create the data file before I know how large the article will be, and I refuse to do a file copy). Solaris patches for file descriptor passing added, from Kjetil Torgrim Homme and Russell Vincent. 'Distribution' control patch, from Lars added but with some routines rewritten. Any article without a distribution header is assumed to be a distribution of 'world' for purposes of feeding. See samples/dnewsfeeds for more information. THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED AND MAY NOT WORK YET. Fixed server tracking bugs for dserver.hosts and that prevented proper shutdown of reader daemons when parent dies. Same bugs also prevented server reconnects from occuring after a failure. Fixed bug in lib/kpdb.c that caused dsyncgroups to segfault. Fixed bug in dreaderd mbuf processing. IP wildcards in dreader.hosts are treated in a special fashion. If a host name in dreader.hosts starts with a number, it is assumed to be an IP address and the wildcard compares are only run against IP addresses, not the FQDN from the reverse lookup. Otherwise something like "10.0.0.*" would match "". README.READER has better instructions now. Added new directory, sample_reader, with example dreaderd + diablo config. xmake install will try to install the sample files as softlinks but will not overwrite any custom mods you make. xmake uninstall will attempt to deinstall everything, as long as it matches the source tree (i.e. will not delete files which you modify). Changed 'fgrep -h ... files' to 'cat files | fgrep ...' in XMakefile's, some machines *still* use 15 year old fgrep's. Sheesh. Implemented spool priority mechanism, see samples/dserver.hosts, and implemented a spool-latency-history mechanism to automatically handle downed servers. Fixed bug in xover output .. Xref: header name wasn't being printed and it was prefixing each entry with a space, which messes up trn's threading. Changed diablo's dnewslink -H (i.e. header-only feed) mechanism to include Bytes; header. Changed dreaderd's input mechanism to require a Bytes: header for header-only feeds. This header is not required for normal feeds because it can calculate the article size. Why all this? So I can produce the proper Bytes field in xover data output. Fixed line-too-long buffer overflow bug in diablo.c ( bug found by KIZU takashi ). Changed while(accept(..) >= 0) to if (accept(..) >= 0) in unix domain command socket code to work around a problem with very old SunOS releases that do not understand non-blocking accept()'s. /news/log/dreaderd.status increased to 120 columns, 70 wasn't enough to store readable realtime status. Diablo V1.16-test4 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** sin_family not set for certain conditions in dreaderd and diablo, causing problems with AIX (besides which it really needs to be set anyway to be proper). Diablo V1.16-test3 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** *** NOTICE *** ALL RELEASES AFTER AND INCLUDING 1.14, READ THE DEXPIRE.CTL DOCUMENTATION CAREFULLY AND REWRITE YOUR DEXPIRE.CTL AS APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fixed pagealloc() & pagefree() code in lib/alloc.c to handle 0-byte allocations (it needs some more work). Diablo V1.16-test2 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** HAVE_SNPRINTF cleaned up. It's just too important so the code now assumes it exists and we have a fudge routine if it doesn't. You may have to fix HAVE_SNPRINTF in lib/config.h for your OS if you get compilation warnings. Fixed GetAuthUser() code in dreaderd.. SIGPIPE was not being handled properly. Diablo V1.16-test1 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** (continuing NNTP reader development) den->d_namlen replaced with strlen(den->d_name), d_namlen does not appear to exist under linux or solaris, they use d_reclen instead. Didn't include in dreaderd/main.c if NEED_TERMIOS is set. Messed up solaris compile. bcopy in lib/psstat.c if HAVE_SNPRINTF is not set used bad variable name (undefined symbol error). Fixed. Diablo V1.15 ***** EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE ***** -- NOTE: basic reader support added *** NOTICE *** ALL RELEASES AFTER AND INCLUDING 1.14, READ THE DEXPIRE.CTL DOCUMENTATION CAREFULLY AND REWRITE YOUR DEXPIRE.CTL AS APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -H option added to dnewslink for header-only feed, 'mode headfeed' must be supported by server (as a safety feature to prevent a header-only feed from leaking). 'headfeed' option added to dnntpspool.ctl, used to feed diablo reader side. Sometimes coupled with Xref: for slave synchronization, or the reader can operate in a standalone fashion. For alpha-testing, do not use Xref: (you probably aren't anyway). Diablo's headfeed still sends the entire article body for control messages. ** ALPHA-TEST DIABLO READER SUPPORT in this release via 'dreaderd', ** see manual page for dreaderd. See README.READER New TUNING_NOTES for FreeBSD (may apply to other OS's too) in regards to the v_cache_min sysctl. The diablo and dnewslink binaries are now statically linked. Say what? Reason is simple: DLL eats more memory then it saves when you are running lots of copies of the same program. you loose pages to the dynamic linking (which prevents them from being shared), to the separate data areas, and to the MMU for the mmap. All told it appears comes to around 80K per process. With statically linked binaries the text areas are 100% shared, there is no MMU overhead for the DLL mmap()s, and the data/bss is packed. ** The default hash mode is now crc rather then crc/prime, see diablo.config for a description. Spaces no longer tolerated inside message-id's. Diablo V1.14 -- NOTE: remove /news/dexpire.factor if it exists -- NOTE: /news/dexpire.ctl must be reorganized a bit -- NOTE: new REQUIRED configuration file added *NOTE* NO reader support yet, but I'm getting close. Added general key-token-value database support and added preliminary active file support through the key-token-value database. This is good enough to allow diablo to generate Xref: headers. However, no control message support has been added yet (that's going to be a reader-side function). The dactive file is implemented as a shared binary key-token-pair database and is intended to (optionally) hold additional information such as the moderator email, newsgroup description, and control PGP keys. The format is extensible. While the dactive file is human readable, it should never be edited manually while diablo-related processes are active. Use the supplied utilities instead. THIS SUPPORT IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED PRODUCTION YET. New configuration file, diablo.config added. See the sample diablo.config file. This file is REQUIRED. Diablo will refuse to start if this file is missing. All entries in diablo.hosts are REQUIRED to have a label, and that label is REQUIRED to exist in the dnewsfeeds file. Diablo will now generate a 502 if a label is missing. Note that you can direct incoming-only feeds to the same label if you wish. DEXPIRE.CTL works again. In prior releases dexpire.ctl served only to reject articles that were too large. The spool storage & expiration scheme has been redone in this release so time-grouped expires work again, allowing you to control expiration based on group. Note that the expiration does not currently work for the control.* pseudo group, but it will in a future release. There is a cost though: while the number of physical files is not expected to increase, the number of open file descriptors will multiply by about 6x if you use the feature. The new reader-mode expiration code is NOT turned on by default because I do not want to trip people up. Please review the top of samples/diablo.config to see how to turn it on. The system-wide or max-per-user file descriptor limit should be at least 4096 to accomodate an increase in the number of open descriptors if you configure expiration for reader operation. The remember time, in days, may be set in diablo.config rather then hacking lib/vendor.h if you wish. This allows many diablo installations to compile straight out of the box without having to edit lib/vendor.h. The new CRC64 algorithm can be used for the hash. The sample diablo.config includes a 'hash' algorithm specification. The older hash algorithm is called 'prime'. The new one is called 'crc'. The sample diablo.config uses 'crc/prime' which means to use crc, but to fallback to prime on lookup if it fails to find a record with crc. To avoid blowing your history, you should leave the method set to crc/prime for about a week and then set it to just crc. DIABLO.HOSTS check made more sophisticated. Please read the description in the diablo-files manual page for diablo.hosts. Diablo will now attempt to match up the base domain of a reverse lookup against specific hosts in diablo.hosts if the normal reverse+forward lookup security fails, then it will perform a forward lookup of the matching host(s) in diablo.hosts to attempt to match the IP. While the new spool setup is backwards compatible to the previous setup, more care must be taken when removing spool directories to prevent corruption. If you remove spool directories manually and the diablo server is running, you must rename the directory prior to rm -rf'ing it to be 100% safe. The new dexpire does this, of course. DEXPIRE.CTL now uses a percentage expire. That is, you specify a percentage of the best case expire (1-100) that you wish and diablo expires articles accordingly. See the samples/dexpire.ctl file. Diablo will dynamically and automatically conform itself to your expiration parameters but you must edit the file with the new scheme in mind for it to make sense. Added new utility, dreadart, to read articles and/or verify their consistancy in the spool given the message-id. The maximum number of parallel feeds from any given client may now be specified on a label-by-label basis. It is still a per-ip limit so you can still collapse many different incoming feeds into a single label and have the label-specified limit work on a per-host basis. see the 'maxconnect' definition in samples/dnewsfeeds Added 'nomismatch' option to dnewsfeeds (see samples/dnewsfeeds) to surpress MISMATCH testing of the incoming Path: header. Added '-c commonpath' option to diablo. This adds a common path name to the Path: header if it does not already exist in the Path: header. See the manual page for diablo. Fixed a bug in diablo that would cause the dnewsfeeds file to be read over and over again, eating cpu. Added sub-second realtime capability: the combination of rtflush in dnewsfeeds, and 'realtime' + 'd-1' in dnntpspool.ctl. If the system supports usleep(), usleep(20000) is called (20 mS) rather then sleep(1). May require some configuration munging for you system. Not suggested. BODY and ARTICLE nntp commands added. Like the HEAD command, articles can be retrieved by message-id. dexpire will remove files called 'core' or '*.core' in the spool directory as it comes across them. Diablo V1.13 Bug in spam cache file descriptor handling fixed... fcntl locks require us to obtain discrete descriptors by calling open() after any fork rather then before or they will not work properly if a process gets killed. Due to the stability of diablo, this should not have caused any problems in 1.12, but needed to be fixed anyway. Bug in dnewslink quit code.. it would send the quit twice at the end which would result in an in the logs. Apart from the bogus log message, the bug had no other effect. This threw a few people off who were looking for errors when, in fact, there were none. Bug in dnewslink reconnect code. When moving on to a new batchfile, does not fix StreamPend when pending streaming objects are refiled due to a timeout or remote close. Would result in dnewslink exiting after processing one queue file rather then going on to the next queue file. Bug in dnewslink close/reopen (for logging) code... it would again loose track of StreamPend. It would also lose track of the number of potential receive bytes (which it calculates to guarentee that the server does not block writing responses back to the dnewslink client). Iain's latest diablo-stats included Diablo V1.12 The spam cache is turned on by default, for real this time. Added USE_PCOMMIT_SHM, USE_PCOMMIT_RW_MAP, DO_PCOMMIT_POSTCACHE, USE_SPAM_SHM, and USE_SPAM_RW_MAP. *_RW_MAP causes the diablo to use a shared r/w map rather then a read-only/lseek+write() mmap for the precommit and/or spam caches. << this will significantly improve the performance and stability of diablo >>. If you set USE_PCOMMIT_SHM, Diablo will use SYSV shared memory rather then a file mmap for the precommit cache. If you set USE_SPAM_SHM, Diablo will use SYSV shared memory rather then a file mmap for the spam cache, but it will not be non-volatile storage so if you kill and restart diablo, the spam cache will get reset. If you have sysv shared memory, you want to set USE_PCOMMIT_SHM and DO_PCOMMIT_POSTCACHE at the very least. When shared memory is used for the spam filter, the spam.cache file (if it exists) will be loaded into shared memory when diablo is started and written out when the master diablo server exits. DO_PCOMMIT_POSTCACHE tells diablo to use the precommit cache to also cache dhistory lookups and commits. It is not suggested that you use this feature unless you also set USE_PCOMMIT_SHM or at least set USE_PCOMMIT_RW_MAP. Many lookups will hit the precommit cache and thus avoid hitting the dhistory file, greatly reducing internal kernel filesystem lock contention and disk I/O on the dhistory file The FreeBSD 2.2.x, IRIX, and Solaris config automatically turn on the new precommit features. Casts the pointer argument to setsockopt() to void * to avoid compiler warnings on solaris (which still uses arcane 'char *' in its prototypes rather then 'void *'). The bytes= logging for the marks by dnewslink was incorrect, it was logging cumulative bytes rather then deltas for the marks. Added 'rtflush' to dnewsfeeds. This option causes the queue file to be flushed on every line rather then buffered. Useful when used with 'realtime' in dnntpspool.ctl. Added Path: name checking. If the first element of the Path: received by an article does not match any 'alias' statements for the incoming connection, the IP address is prepended to the path: with .MISMATCH appended. * >>> NOTE <<< you should grep through newly created spool directories every so often looking for .MISMATCH in the spool files to locate incoming feeds with improperly configured 'alias's (in dnewsfeeds). When I turned this feature on, I found that four of my 80+ feeds were misconfigured. DNewsfeeds file processing moved to the main diablo server and removed from the children, saving parsing and memory overhead of around 45K per child in heavy loaded diablo systems (x 100 processes = 4.5 MBytes saved). Queue-delay 'q#' option added to dnntpspool.ctl. This allows you to tell diablo to purposefully delay N queue files before transfering a feed to a destination, thus introducing a feed delay on purpose. This feature can be used to hold articles while allowing control messages to propogate, getting the cancels in front of the articles being canceled. Diablo now uses it's own memory allocation code in order to better manage memory. This has simplified certain memory management operations, such as when the parent forks and needs to deallocate memory pools that the child will not use. Minor fix to dnewslink: Now exits if it gets a 400 return code (ERR_GOODBYE) rather then retry the connection. Reverse dns lookup now uses case insensitive compare against forward lookup. The post-fork openlog() for syslog was being called prior to the mass file descriptor closures. Moved so it is called after. Doh! Beta 64 bit support (e.g. linux on 64 bit alphas and such) Diablo V1.11 -- NOTE: new pseudo groups control.* added to the group list for control messages. This requires some minor modifications to your dnewsfeeds file so you do not get all control messages when taking a partial feed. See below. Added control.* pseudo groups. If an article is a control message, the control message type is appended to the list of newsgroups as 'control.MESSAGETYPE'. For example, a cancel is appended to the list of newsgroups as 'control.cancel'. This means that if you do an 'addgroup *' then use delgroup to remove the groups you don't want, YOU WILL STILL RECEIVE CONTROL MESSAGES FOR ALL GROUPS. The solution is to put a 'delgroup control.*' after the 'addgroup *' for all of your normal feeds. If you do this, only control messages for the groups that pass the filter will be propogated. If you use the more standard 'delgroup *' followed by 'addgroup ...' lines for the groups you want, the delgroup covers it and no modifications are required for that feed. I have added another filter command called 'requiregroup'. It is similiar to addgroup, delgroup, and delgroupany. What it does, however, is require that the specified group BE in the Newsgroups list. This allows you to create a secondary feed to your newsreader boxes containing ONLY the control messages that also pass your normal group filters by appending 'requiregroup control.*' to the end of your addgroup/delgroup filter commands. Please see the example in the samples/dnewsfeeds file for more information. Note that control bypasses generally require two dnewsfeeds labels, one for non-control messages and one for control messages. Changed a bunch of printf's for stdout to fprintf's for stderr. samples/dnewsfeeds incorrectly described the 'alias' command in the comments, fixed. Added Iain's bytes= stats to diablo and his latest stats stuff to contrib. Also added -h option to diablo (see man page). 'T' and 'R' parameters in dnntpspool.ctl now work, allowing you to set the transmit and receive buffer sizes on a connection-by-connection basis. dnewslink now calls the socketopt to set the transmit/receive buffer sizes after the connect as well as before, in case the connect() call overrides the first ones (which it does on FreeBSD and linux boxes, since the route table dictates nominal buffering parameters) Ability to set the dhistory hash table size in the diload command. The default is 4 million entries, equivalent to the '-h 4m' option to diload. Each hash table entry is 4 bytes, so 4 million entries results in a 16MByte hash table. The hash table size must be a power of 2, so the next logical step is -h 8m (32 MBytes) or -h 16m (64 MBytes). If your news box has a lot of memory, changing your biweekly.atrim script (see the adm directory for a sample) to generate a larger hash table will greatly reduce the load on the /news partition. '-n' and '-f configfile' options added to dspoolout. Minor adjustments made to realtime code to handle a race condition between diablo creating the realtime spoolfile and dspoolout trying to open it. Minor adjustments made to realtime code in dnewslink to handle a race condition between diablo creating the realtime spoolfile and dnewslink closing out the previous one and openning the next one. DNewslink now sends the 'quit' command at the end of the session and waits for a response. Fixed another session reporting bug, diablo was not logging the correct number of elapsed seconds (non critical). New options added for lib/vendor.h. You can set the USE_SHORT_REMEMBER define to 1 to use a shorter history retention for didump -x & diablo, or you can leave that option commented out and specify a specific REMEMBERDAYS. The default remember is 14 days, the default short remember is 7 days. Diablo adds a bit of slop internally to deal with Date: conversion errors. Usually the bottleneck that develops first is in access to the dhistory file. A shorter remember/retention can significantly improve access times. /* #undef USE_SHORT_REMEMBER */ /* #define USE_SHORT_REMEMBER 1 */ /* #define REMEMBERDAYS 9 */ NOTE(!) always be sure to recompile diablo completely when making #define option changes. 'xmake clean; xmake'. The history retention is especially sensitive since it must be properly compiled into both the DIDUMP and DIABLO binaries. If you update one but not the other it is possible to get into article transfer loops with your peers. Diablo now identifies itself on 502's rather then using the same error essage as INN. Diablo V1.10 The ME label in dnewsfeeds must be renamed to DEFAULT, which is more appropriate to how it works. A new GLOBAL label is now optional. See samples/dnewsfeeds for more information. SPAM FILTER - based on NNTP-Posting-Host: header frequency in messages. Defaults to ON. See the sample dnewsfeeds file for examples of how to program the spam filter. The -S0 option to diablo will turn it off, or you can simply 'delspam *' in the GLOBAL label to turn it off. To use this filter, you need to specify 'delspam' lines in the GLOBAL filter to handle non-spam sources that exceed the rate limit (which defaults to 16 postings within 16 minutes). The samples/dnewsfeeds file contains a simple filter set. You will also want to 'delspam *' for the incoming feeds from your leaf node shell machines. However, since this sort of rate filter may become more common-place on the internet, another solution will have to be found for shell-based news readers if the posting rate exceeds 16 postings per minute. This spam filter is NOT PERFECT. There are plenty of cases where it can potential filter non-spam, but it works well enough for us that I've installed it on BEST's newsfeeds box. NEAR-REALTIME OUTGOING FEEDS - dspoolout/dnewslink now have the capability to 'hang' on the diablo's outgoing feed file, initiating transactions with the destination host as the diablo server makes data available. Since the diablo server buffers feed data, this is considered to be only near-realtime. The lag is around 5 seconds for a full feed. You can also explicitly flush diablo's queue files with 'dicmd flush' from a cron job to support slower n.r.t. feeds. 'dicmd flush' is considerably cheaper to execute then 'dspoolout'. dspoolout would then only need to be run once every 30 minutes or so. The original queue file mechanism still works and runs in parallel as a failsafe, resulting in double the message-id load on the destinations designated for realtime operation. See the dspoolout manual page for more information. dspoolout was not handling the min-flush-seconds option exactly right. It should now do a better job with it, only using it if the queue files are truely backed up. dnewslink now turns on SO_KEEPALIVE to prevent infinite hangs. Diablo already did this. Fixed minor bug in Date: parsing on incoming feeds. It prevented the article-too-old stuff from working properly. Fixed minor bug in header scanning - Diablo was not detecting the end-of-headers blank line properly and scanning headers on into the body of the article. A bottleneck for dhistory file appends has been removed. Previously, an exclusive lock was used to append to the file (O_APPEND is not dependable). Now we 'allocate' space with a record lock in a non-blocking fashion. History adds are now much faster under extreme loads. diload throws away history file entries with zero'd gm timestamps or zero'd hash codes. The size of the send and receive tcp socket buffers can be specified in dspoolout, dnewslink, and diablo now with command line options (-T and -R) Diablo now properly logs the elapsed time on disconnect. NOTE: addition to adm/biweekly.atrim sample, the dhistory.bak file is now removed before the new dhistory file is generated to make more space on the disk. This allows a 1.5G /news partition to continue to be used in the face of growing history files. 'dicmd status' added, returns diablo's current status The unix domain socket is created after diablo switches to the 'news' user rather then before. -M option added to diablo. This limits the maximum number of simultanious connections allowed from EACH remote host. The limit cannot yet be set on a per-feed basis. This option is designed to prevent system failures from out of control remotes. Diablo V1.09 Major bug in dnewslink found by Michael S. McMahon. When dnewslink gets interrupted and refiles pending stream transactions back to the batch file, it was not refiling the offset,size part! A rerun would thus result in the entire article spool file (encompassing many articles) to be sent as a single article. Ouch. Precommit caching added. Diablo now generates and maintains a pcommit.cache file which it mmap's. This file contains a static 4096-entry hash table. Message-id's for check and ihave commands are entered into the hash table and timeout after 30 seconds. hash table collisions are simply overwritten. During the time which a message-id is active, other check/ihave commands for the id will return a DUPlicate response code. The precommit caching will get rid of 98% of the article collisions when you have several incoming feeds that are mostly synchronized with each other. In this situation, the precommit caching will reduce your incoming network load by at least a factor of 2 as well as reduce the disk write load. Three new statistical elements have been added: predup, posdup, and pcoll. (predup and posdup were actually added in V1.08). predup counts the number of history collisions that occur as of the beginning of a 'takethis' command. posdup counts the number of history collisions that occur as of the article commit after a 'takethis' command, and pcoll counts the number of pcommit cache collisions which cause check/ihave to return a DUPlicated status. The random seed used to generate file names was not being re-randomized after a fork. Oops! It is now. Replaced stdio routines used for socket input by diablo with custom routines, removing the fileno(fi) = -1 problem and working around apparent stdio bugs in SunOs, Solaris, and IRIX. Article reception can deal with 8-bit-clean data now, as long as it is properly '.' escaped. This includes removing the CR before an LF for storage and adding it back in for retransmission. Added 'd' option to dnntpspool.ctl, allowing one to specify a startup delay for the dnewslink's related to a particular site. statvfs fixes made for sun/solaris. I got several diffs and chose the easiest one. It may still not be entirely compatible with all sunos/solaris implementations. The control file dspoolout uses (dnntpspool.ctl) can now be overriden on the command line. You can now specify the outbound (bind) ip address for dnewslink... useful if you have multiple interfaces and want to split outgoing traffic amoungst them, or if you have multiple interfaces and your peers expect the news to come in from a particular IP. This can also be specified in dnntpspool.ctl. DSpoolout will pass it on to DNewslink. See samples/dnntpspool.ctl for an example. New version of Iain's stats package. Diablo V1.08 *** NOTE ** DHISTORY FILE RELOAD REQUIRED IF UPGRADING *** ** HISTORY AND SPOOL FILE FORMAT CHANGE. The format change requires that you ensure that ALL of your diablo binaries are replaced. You must regenerate your dhistory file Major stability fixes to dhistory file operation... I have found that if the /news partition runs out of space or many processes are write()ing to dhistory in O_APPEND mode, that O_APPEND writes aren't as atomic as I thought they were. dhistory appends are now serialized and *ACTIVELY* realigned if their alignment gets screwed up. This should make the dhistory file much, much, much more robust. Major stability fixes to dqueue files. Feeds no longer must be flushed on fork, and files are written in multiples of one line. If a write files, the file is truncated to remove the partial line in order to prevent corruption if a disk fills up. Stability fixes to article files... now does a sanity check (looks for the \0 terminator for the article in a multi-article file) to catch corrupted files. didump -x does a better job filtering out bogus dhistory entries. Major, Major, Major changes in the spool file format, dhistory file format, and queue file format. Read the section at the end of the INSTALL file for instructions on how to upgrade without blowing up your news server. * spool files may now contain multiple articles separated by \0. spool files are now named solely based on their gmtime and iteration number. * queue files include offset/length pairs to allow dnewslink to access the new spool files. * The dhistory file now has a proper header structure, and History entries now contain two additional fields (offset, bytes) .. used to store the offset,length information for article lookups. The dynamic pipe sizing has been removed from dnewslink. It doesn't work very well when feeds get behind and just slows things down more. dexpire is temporarily braindead... it now expires in straight FIFO fashion, so most of dexpire.ctl is no longer relevant (except for expirations of 0 which cause an article to be rejected)... I have a medium term plan to make expiration specifications work again, but it will be a few releases at the very least. diablo, dnewslink, and dexpire now use chdir() caching to reduce the path lengths for remove(), open(), etc... which is a big win for the kernel. diablo now records rejection statistics properly. It previously did not count. diablo now records and returns the errno error string on fatal errors. addition of 'delgroupany' command to dnewsfeeds file. Similar to 'delgroup', except acts the same as INN's '@group'... i.e. if the group appears in the Newsgroups line at all, the article is rejected, even if there are other groups in the line that pass the filter. addition of 'maxpath' command to dnewsfeeds file. Allows you to filter feed based on the number of elements in the Path: header. addition of the 'groupdef' command and 'groupref' command (see the sample dnewsfeeds file). Rather then repeat the same group access list over and over again in each feed, you can now collect them together in one place and reference them from your feeds. statvfs support added for SUN. Diablo V1.07 - ** NOTE ** YOU MUST READ THE 'INSTALL' FILE IF UPGRADING TO THIS RELEASE FROM 1.05 OR LOWER !!! The diablo server now has the ability to bind to a specific host and/or ip address. diablo converts the reverse-lookup hostname to lowercase before comparing against hosts in the diablo.hosts file. 'nostream' option now available for dnntpspool.ctl for dnewslink runs. Diablo now rejects articles when the message-id in the article body does not match the message-id in the ihave or takethis header, and logs the mismatch. Diablo previously stored the ihave/takethis message-id into the history file without checking it against the message-body. If a mismatch occurs, the article is rejected. (should I do a 400+exit instead?) Misc small bug fixes to diablo Diablo now returns a 400 error code and exits if a file error occurs. It previously returned a 431 error code, which was incorrect. 400 isn't exactly correct either, since it requires diablo to exit. We need another return code to allow the server to indicate a problem yet not exit (i.e. let the client decide to exit). Diablo V1.06 - ** NOTE ** YOU MUST READ THE 'INSTALL' FILE IF UPGRADING TO THIS RELEASE!!!! The default hash table size for dhistory will become USE_LARGE_HASH in this upcoming release. If you wish to maintain a small hash table size (e.g. you are taking a partial feed), you must set the USE_SMALL_HASH define to 1 in lib/vendor.h dnewslink will still attempt to send news if the (nntp) server responds with code 201 rather then code 200. ** It is suggested that the dclean admin script be run twice a week rather then once a day due to it's load on the history file dnewslink now dynamically adjusts the size of the pipe for streaming feeds. If dnewslink detects an inordinate number of check/ok/takethis/reject collisions, it reduces the size of the pipeline. The pipeline is also dynamically adjusted back up when the collisions subside. More /bin/sh script fixes in contrib/XMakefile... improper semicolons removed. Fixed bug in dexpire that caused it to loop endlessly without getting much work done. Added parallel-tasking option, -p# (as in -p4) to dexpire, causing it to fork N times in order to run multiple unlink()'s in parallel without the processes stepping over each other's feet. Diablo V1.05 Switched from whole-file locks on dhistotry to record locks. Diablo was having lock starvation problems due to the large number of processes accessing the history file. By using record locks, we lock a particular hash chain rather then the entire file. This should make machines with a large number of feeds more efficient. EFFICIENCY NOTICE: We strongly suggest that you set the USE_LARGE_HASH define to 1 in lib/vendor.h and follow the instructions at the end of the INSTALL file to increase the size of the dhistory file hash table. Doing so will yield a major increase in efficiency on machines with limited buffer caches. Specifically, a 128MB machine may not have enough free space for a good buffer cache and the large number of seek/reads caused by the smaller hash table can result in seek starvation on /news. Diablo V1.04 Fixed a 436 return code into a 431 return code for streaming 'try it again' responses. Now uses floating point to store and log byte and article totals Fixed bug in the article totaling (for logs) - Diablo was reporting more received articles then were actually received in the DIABLO log line. Diablo incoming now logs every 1024 articles rather then every 1000 for a better looking K/M/G log line. Added 'maxcross' and 'maxsize' filters for outgoing feeds. Diablo V1.03 Uses mmap() to allocate memory, either via MAP_ANON or MAP_PRIVATE, allowing us to easily deallocate it from the page table on fork. We use this for stdio buffers as well as for pipe line buffers. Added doutq More portability fixes: directory stuff, signal stuff, etc... Diablo V1.02 Fixed two file descriptor leaks in the main server. There are not likely to be any more. Made portability changes: uses sigaction() rather then signal(), and uses fcntl() rather then flock() (though SUN should get it's act together and implement flock().. it's trivial). Diablo V1.01 Moved some .SET's from XMakefile to The sample crontab in adm/ ran the once-every-four-hours expire once a minute instead, and I didn't notice! dnewslink now reports local/remote latency properly. Well, as well as can be done, anyway, and also reports the size of the article in debug mode. Diablo V1.00 Initial Release